Gevonden resultaten: 540
28.10.2014 in Biggwall problems.
I support waffel in his so big , topic with every single word in it !! Go waffel <3 <3 !!
26.10.2014 in TIK-TOK for Mod
24.10.2014 in I have a dream!!
I have a dream that one day i would login and see the new HTML5!!! WHICH AMOK SHOULD HAVE FINISHED IT!! Just plz tell us when will he finish it ?? !!
22.10.2014 in Time for AtWar logic.
Geschreven door Sultan of Swing, 22.10.2014 at 19:40

Geschreven door Viruslegion, 22.10.2014 at 19:27

Clovis making sense for once

21.10.2014 in TIK-TOK for Mod
Geschreven door Tik-Tok, 20.10.2014 at 16:53

I'd be up for modding but I think we all know it's not going to happen. Plus, I don't think they want mods making controversial statements. I just dislike the over moderation of what we are allowed to say. Plus, banning for answering a question about the holocaust was clearly out of line. That took weeks to get a resolution and most mods were unwilling to intervene in a clearly out of bounds decision by a single mod.

In terms of fairness, Reich Clan has the fairest ban list of them all. Each ban is verified with photographic evidence and reasoning. We also have an appeal thread, which is more than we have from atwar moderation. Having to send PMs and be ignored is not a good method of appeal.

People in power need to justify their decisions. Besides, this isn't a state, this is a game forum. Mod decisions should have a proper place for appeal. It's true, trolls and sperglords will appeal obviously justified decisions but mods shouldn't use their power to prevent political discourse they don't like.

I've said before, Fascism isn't an overbearing police state. On many occasions we believe the citizens, or in this case, the users, can sort out these issues themselves. Don't like something? Click ignore. Association with what you consider to be offensive or radical politics is voluntary, you choose to expose yourself to it. A click of a button, and we disappear.

Look at how successful the banlist has been. Do mods need to step in occasionally? Yes. But overall, users tend to be the best at governing themselves. A healthy environment does not need overbearing oversight.

Geschreven door Ivan, 20.10.2014 at 05:02

Geschreven door Quantum027, 20.10.2014 at 00:04

Geschreven door Ivan, 19.10.2014 at 12:22

Ivan why are maps like Greek World and Middle Earth boosted, i stated this in a previous thread on general forums, but maps shouldnt be boosted, the map maker made the map and intended it to bring in that amount of SP, if the map makers thinks its too low he should go into his map and change the stuff to make it worth more sp, but maps dont need more SP even if they generate less than others, its the style of how some like, however this doesnt apply to maps like RP, i still think they should have SP Multipliers that are lower.

Wow, that was one very long sentence... And no, I don't think map makers are entitled to having absolute control over how much SP their map generates. That's just an invitation to farm shitty maps and ignore good ones.

In ivan we trust!! :3 ^_^ i always liked you more than your brother he is lazy you are not <3
Geschreven door Safari, 20.10.2014 at 09:08

Geschreven door Tundy, 20.10.2014 at 08:55

Geschreven door clovis1122, 20.10.2014 at 08:48

Geschreven door Ivan, 20.10.2014 at 05:02

Wow, that was one very long sentence... And no, I don't think map makers are entitled to having absolute control over how much SP their map generates. That's just an invitation to farm shitty maps and ignore good ones.

Giving full control to Mods is not reasonable as well. There should be an agreement between Mods and the MapMarker, or at least, warn the MapMarker with reasonable time before his map get SP nerfed.

Explain how is giving full control to mods bad

If a mod is nerfing the revenue of a map, then he/she must have a reason for that. So the map maker can easily ask a mod why it got nerfed and according to that the map maker can update the map so that the map gets 100% again.

We finally knew that their is a" she" in the mods team!!! Who is she plz tell!!
Geschreven door Guest, 19.10.2014 at 13:33

Geschreven door opi, 19.10.2014 at 13:13

150% would be better

18.10.2014 in TIK-TOK for Mod
17.10.2014 in Ebola in USA
Gg USA now RIP
17.10.2014 in Ebola Virus Spreading?
Gg World now RIP HEHE
Geschreven door Waffel, 13.10.2014 at 08:35

Geschreven door Khal.eesi, 13.10.2014 at 08:14

Rip lord pontez

07.10.2014 in The new mods!
Geschreven door The Tactician, 07.10.2014 at 03:01

Geschreven door Mauzer Panteri, 06.10.2014 at 12:36

Bad choice...

Bertank .... I can't see any logical reason to make Bertank mod.

You obviously have not made a conversation with BertanK once. He is the nicest and most respectful of guys and has been a working part of the AW community for a long time. The question to ask is Bertank.... I can't see any logical reason to not make Bertank mod.

Tottally support this Bertank really deserve it congtrz to the new mod ^_^
07.10.2014 in The new mods!
Geschreven door Waffel, 07.10.2014 at 11:58

Geschreven door Mauzer Panteri, 07.10.2014 at 09:36

Well lol.... But nvm, already 90 % of aw mods are here to troll, abuse their powers, and do nothing in order to make this game better.

When they became mods they have become less active and useless in terms of moderating. The rest of the mods should look up to Acquiesce, and continue to play the game they administer.
Even if they are playing just a few games for a week.
Whether it's by joining tourneys, making competitive clans or just active in game, and similar stuff, not just active on forum.
I just want an active group of moderators. Not an useless inactive bunch of players that contribute nothing.

Making Devil and Bertank mods, is same as making Zizou or El General mod.

Because I do not purport to become a mod, I'm not jealous on our new mods, I congratulate them, and hope they will do the best for the community. Also I hope they will prove
me wrong, and actually be an excellent mods (bla).

I guess is a problem of admins, they dont follow the game enough.

Thats all what i have to say.

I like you even more now <3 ur so cute when u try to talk serious D:

OMG waffel you said exactly what i wanted to say haha , mauzer is so cuteeeeee
<3 i wana lick him <3
Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 28.09.2014 at 22:15

UN? What are you talking about? General Assembly, Security Council, UNDP, UNEP, UNDOC, UN-Habitat, UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO, etc. What are you talking about when you are referring to UN?
As any other institution, UN is not monolithic... it is rather diverse with different conflicting interests. Some organizations of the UN System are doing a great job... others are just useless. Please differentiate the issues when you are trying to make big analysis.
Overall I would say that most organizations of the UN System are necessary and welcome... rather than dismantling them, they should be strengthened. Sometimes they are the only organizations standing between poverty and misery or chaos and Barbary. In other cases they just do not make any difference.
Do they need to be reformed? Of course! Eliminated? NO!

All of those are USA toys , we will get a fear UN when their is no longer a vito for the countries
Geschreven door Tundy, 24.09.2014 at 20:47

Lets be realistic here, atwar at best would cost 50k-150k

Nope aw best cost is 25k
Geschreven door Mr_Own_U, 24.09.2014 at 13:11

Geschreven door Spart, 24.09.2014 at 12:03

Geschreven door Mr_Own_U, 24.09.2014 at 11:46

Do the math.. Let's lowball premium and say everyone bought it for 20 bucks. Find every player with lifetime add it up. Me and Safari did something like this and came up to 5k but that's without subscriptions and just protocoin purchases for other stuff.

That is a horrible way to calculate the value of the game though. If anyone was going to invest any sum of money that large into AW, they would consider the possibilities of selling things like advertising space and expanding the game. This would dramatically increase the value of the game. Also, Amok and Ivan will also want to be compensated for the opportunity costs they incurred while working on the game, and I am sure that someone purchasing the game would be willing to pay a small portion of these costs if they thought they could grow the game and expand revenue streams. And why would they purchase the game if they did not think that was a viable possibility?

Therefore, Amok and Ivan have a lot more to bargain with than just premium sells.

I understand. It has to be worthwhile.

You guys dont understand how this work , even if you adore and tottaly love the game , bussines is bussines and "as MoU and safari caulc" 5k is the total preim cost " the amount of $ that game made till now" take out from that total sliverlight + wepsite hosting cost so it would be like idk maybe 3500 only in like 4 years out of beta that is absloutly worthless in gaming indrustry , so a total price of 10K $ is a more than great offer for amok and ivan , for now
Amok can really make this game a hit by sharing it on steam, adding more people to program with him , AW as a game itself is a really hit in browser gaming but the lack of updates + sharing didnt help at all... If someone want to actually buy it i support him to offer 10k and to hire proffesional game programmers and really make it the real hit in gaming industry as it is really desarve it !!
Geschreven door brianwl, 24.09.2014 at 12:21

No price can be put on AtWar... it is the best online browser game. But let's start the bidding, just for the sake of finding out what it's worth for amok and ivan

I offer :

Omfg really?? That's a number that would make amok sell his brother for + the game xD
24.09.2014 in GO AMERICA, KILL ISIL
Geschreven door Tik-Tok, 24.09.2014 at 12:02

Geschreven door YazanTheSexy, 24.09.2014 at 11:36

America used the ISIS to insuilt the muslims yet again and make everyone hate them , they even mentioned it as a state !! They dont controll more than 5 cities "full controll" , they made a world cln with 40 states!!! Against a militia group that actually doesnt have 1/8 USA militry strength , i am not saying ISIS is a good militia it totally the opposite they should be destroed but think about it for a sec 40+ states for militia group doesnt that make you wonder...

It is a state. It calls itself a state. It functions as a state. America doesn't care who it harms, even its own citizens. It seeks interests for its lobbyists and banking controllers. ISIS opposes the status quo in the Middle East. When Iran and the US are willing to agree on an issue, it usually means that issue is significant.

Radical Islam is the Communism of the 21st century.

How come , it doesnt have the power nor the cities to call themself a state + even if they were that strong cant USA beat them alone?? + why the fuck did they wait all this time to start attacking them?? They could have beat ISIS before ISIS even reached the Mousl doors " iraq main army city + second iraqi cities" ?? Is this another iraw ocupation for oil as what they did to Saddam?? Or is a major attack on islam ??
24.09.2014 in GO AMERICA, KILL ISIL
America used the ISIS to insuilt the muslims yet again and make everyone hate them , they even mentioned it as a state !! They dont controll more than 5 cities "full controll" , they made a world cln with 40 states!!! Against a militia group that actually doesnt have 1/8 USA militry strength , i am not saying ISIS is a good militia it totally the opposite they should be destroed but think about it for a sec 40+ states for militia group doesnt that make you wonder...
I want to ask you how much does the game cost , cuz aw is a great idea , a great game yet we all admit that it lost amok intrest and he really stoped updating he even stoped logging in that much "once every week" so we will reach the point when amok actually want to sell / or close the game , how much does it worth?? 10k $? Less?? More?? Plz tell me
24.09.2014 in Dynamic Borders
Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 24.09.2014 at 08:50

Would be nice to have.
Would imply that territory (as space where you can move land units) is independent from the area that is being colored (with the color of its occupant).

It is a really great idea but you have to admit that amok is so lazy , "he didnt even add the new colours yet, didnt finish the new HTML5 , and for sure he wont ever do the dynamic borders + he stoped reading the suggusting forums long long long time ago , this forum should actually be closed since it lost it purpose...
People still actually suggesting xD , amok doesnt give a f**k about what you suggest he doesnt even open this forum xD poor waffel :'( T_T
Geschreven door Permamuted, 22.09.2014 at 10:12

What if fruit... is goblins alt o.O

OMG the real truth!!
Geschreven door Guest, 22.09.2014 at 07:05

Geschreven door Skittzophrenic, 22.09.2014 at 01:53

3 min better than 4minfags

21.09.2014 in AW is bipolar
Geschreven door Waffel, 21.09.2014 at 11:06

Geschreven door blargh, 19.09.2014 at 22:31

Just another normal day

Sky mence should be bosted aw player turned from bombers spam to Perfect Defence spam , SM should have stayed the same as it was
Geschreven door Goblin, 18.09.2014 at 14:46

Officially, there is no internationally recognized line between Israel and Palestine; the borders are considered to be disputed, and have been for decades.

So, how the hell are Amok and Ivan suppose to draw the borders?

But they manged to drow isreal border with us?? .. -_-?
Geschreven door Khal.eesi, 18.09.2014 at 14:40

Aqui asked only 1 thing in his original not make this political.But yet as usual, we see a parade of idiots talking about their geopolitical views, that no one gives a shit about.

I dont want to make it political it just ... I am feeling insuilted about how aqcui ruched to make thread for scotland before they even finish voting , while not giving a fuck about palestine and totally ignoring it (+ Amok being a faq about it) but this is my last comment on this thing i wont add any comments after .. No need to lock it
Geschreven door AlBoZzZ, 18.09.2014 at 14:15

Geschreven door YazanTheSexy, 18.09.2014 at 14:14

Why the fuck you will add scotland but not fucking palestine THIS IS FUCKING GAY RECIST SHIT ,

Because unfortunately palestine is still occupied and it's not an independent country yet

It an independent country by UN !! Observing state in UN and the 194 state in the world!!

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