04.06.2013 - 22:12
There are lots of players on-line these days, compared to the old days ( when the game was called Afterwind ). Current mods are not enough to enforce the rules of AtWar anymore. In the past few months I haven't seen enough amount of mods on-line to enforce the rules of the game, when I was on-line and I was able to handle insults and other problems in the game, for instance spammers in global and in Help channel that aren't being punished for breaking the rules of the game. Also the UN games where trolls unleash and swear at players without any reasonable reason when they play for the sake of fun, or in WWII scenarios where the trolls swear at players' parents and making them quit because they can't do anything with the trolls... Even though we had just recently 3 new appointed mods, it seems like this is not enough for the game! I would suggest having at least 1 new mod preferable with Asian time zone, it might give depth of replacements for the present mod's. ![]() Please discuss it.
---- ho
04.06.2013 - 22:21
It's almost the same amount of players, and they just added 3 new mods a week or so ago. (one of them was in Asian timezone)
04.06.2013 - 22:26
You could just report them in using the report function and mods will deal with it when they come on. Just type /report (your message) in game chat and enter the message will go to the mods who will deal it later. Include an image of the incident in your message. ![]()
04.06.2013 - 22:52
04.06.2013 - 23:58
You mean me don't you. ![]()
05.06.2013 - 10:03
Most of the time, when i am online i rarely see mods out there. As cvepe had mentioned earlier, players would often insult other players causing these players to get frustrated and quit the game. I keep seeing more and more players rage quitting the game due to those insults which they could not do anything about. A lot of these insults are aimed at their religion, race or parents. 1 moderator for Asian time zone is not enough. In my humble opinion, 2 moderators is much better than having one to take care of the situation that we're having.
---- A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight ![]()
05.06.2013 - 10:08
Meester lives in Vietnam so i dont think we need an Indian mod :O
---- .10. atWar Radio<3 play for fun, just for fun.
05.06.2013 - 10:37
Yeah i'm too soft ![]()
---- A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight ![]()
05.06.2013 - 12:35
The Asia part was not the aggressive part. The cursing and such were the aggressive parts. The Asia part I edited back. I just got a little carried away with my editing on that one.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
05.06.2013 - 13:09
Well you can't expect mods to be omnipresent. If you see insulting or are insulted in any way, shape or form, screenshot it and send a report and it will be dealt with.
05.06.2013 - 13:21
If you need another mod from asia give job to Lord Killing4fun he is from Singapore and very active player ![]()
---- ![]()
Johnny Account verwijderd |
05.06.2013 - 15:29 Johnny Account verwijderd
Nice idea! In fact, EAB's active too! Why don't they make him mod?
05.06.2013 - 15:51
Pulse youre a idiot who on repeated occations has allied me then put troops in my cap, unally me for dead. she he is an appaling mod
05.06.2013 - 17:41
nah , not really . i am not much active those days and won't be here for hours like i used to do before , also i have a bad history in this game, i think someone else should get the mod job , but if mods need more mods , i know some active players never did something bad and they are online at Asian time zones ![]()
Johnny Account verwijderd |
06.06.2013 - 03:20 Johnny Account verwijderd
You mean allied you and betrayed you? You're allowed to do that lol, just shows bad sportsmanship, I guess. If you mean anything else, make sure you take a screenshot before pointing the finger.
06.06.2013 - 07:24
100% support
---- "All he does is smoke pot, jerk off and play that damn game" ~Michael Townley.
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