While I was in deviL's WW2. I played good as UK in that match and the allies have basically won the match due to France played badly which caused rank 11 (deviL) Germany to quit at somewhere near week 7. So it is clear that the allies have won it 100% but the allies have lost in the end...
It all started when France captured my country and next two turns, USA took my homeland, UK, off the french hands. France have been defeated by USA. Now there are only three enemies left and that is rank 7 Japan, rank 6 Formosa and rank 4 Argentina. some weeks later, Formosa left because I was killing him in asia, I then marched to Japan which look certain to be defeated.
As I take the China South, something disastrous occured that cause allies to lose.
No it wasn't the marines by Japan or Argentina that killed us, it was the NEUTRALS that killed us, how?
Well for some reason USA disconnected and left. Allies really don't need USA because the Axis have lost already BUT when the turn ended,
That feels being defeated by the neutrals in the UK that USA was holding.
Therefore, Japan wins.
Allies really deserved to win this game but was left humiliated that the fact the allies have been defeated by the neutrals, not the Axis.
deviL Berichten: 578 Van: Montenegro
"There is a hero in all of us"

LDK Account verwijderd |
This is not a Article, but a mere summary of a AW Match.
Geschreven door Guest, 17.09.2012 at 14:32
This is not a Article, but a mere summary of a AW Match.
lol I didn't make this forum for the Afterwind Times
LDK Account verwijderd |
I know but it is still terrible
Geschreven door Guest, 17.09.2012 at 15:10
I know but it is still terrible 
I am not good at English if Im to be honest. It is good enough for people to understand but I am bad at writing stories, books, article etc.
I had this problem happen once were i held someones capital and they died the turn after the end and we both lost
I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?