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02.03.2011 - 04:06
I was trying to think of an some way people can bring experience and work from one game with them into another game, also personalize the experience more. A real SP sink as well.
I think something like this could help make the game even more addictive.
((I already know people will either love or really hate this idea))

We knows the devs plan to use special cards to collect and use. But I had another (overly complex?) idea.

Like special units we have in game now maybe we could have a very rare chance to find a leader or general!
There are allot of ways to use this idea I will just give my personal preference here.

A leader can be brought into a game and attached to your starting capital. He would give some sort of bonus to defence or income or unit production. Or a mix of these. He could even let you produce a special unit in your cap... Lots of things are possible.

You also can bring a general or two. These are attached to stacks, they give some sort of small bonus as well. Mostly a random one set when you find him. To advoid people min/maxing to much and force people to use more varied tatics and units.
You can make small increase to these stats with SP maybe. Prehaps some sort of perk system. You can buy many perks but you can attach only a few at once.
His rank could increase as you spend SP on him,.. whatever.

The general would be distroyed (for the current game only) if he is attacked and the stack he is in lost. So there would also be extra strategy in assassinating generals, or trying to keep them alive at all costs!

If people really want a SP sink, maybe you can pay to change their names, appearance, for new hats and so on. (darn you TF2)

You could even trade these people with other players (ok I'm really going into fantasy now)

You could breed these generals with other players generals and make a egg this will hatch into a new general! Got to catch them all!

02.03.2011 - 14:17
First thig that came to my mind, was that how you said you have to "find" the unit, reminded me of catching pokemon XD, but iam a weirdo, so that ocomes natural. But I like this idea, I think it MIGHT work (notice I said might) because you have to consider the exp. ratio, there are some players who would stick it to a godamn citie in the middle of no-were were no one would attack and end up wasting it, but if you put in sime sort of thingy were you have to be a certain rank to get a certain unit, that could work.
I can see me and ale with 99 generals each now...
04.03.2011 - 17:21
I think people can build on this idea.. I like to think that you could maybe have like a total of 5 generals and in any one game you can only use 2. you should only be able to build them in your capital and only once a game or maybe once they die they can come back after 10 turns for example. I love the idea.. that a general could earn you extra sp but in the same time a % of that sp he earns he also gains to build on his skills maybe its a +1% stack bonus or extra hp, maybe its when he comes our he gets 3 body guards to help protect him they could have like 3 attack and 12 defense and 13 hp. the generals could also come in many shapes a sizes

Tank XE - 15 attack 6 defense 15 hp starting bonus-2% bonus to attack for tanks with in the stack
PD LT - 7 attack 14 defense 15 hp infantry gain 2% when in the same stack
Carrier BFB - 6 attack 6 defense 30 hp can carry 15 men.
Guerrilla Master - 10 attack 10 defense 15hp 2% bonus to attack and defense for Militia in current stack
Stealth Assassin - 14 attack 5 defense 15hp 2% bonus to marines within the stack

I have a few more but here is a starting list.
there could be different upgrades for each.
each one could cost 10k sp to get.

so what do you all think and should I expand on this idea?
05.03.2011 - 04:40
I think it's very good and actually.
05.03.2011 - 19:14
AWSOME IDEA!! and it could Level up your units under generals leadership
Ex. Army general(PIC)all infentry att+1
i think you should get to pick 1 general at start then gain more durring play as reward for winning battles, also i think you should be able to loose your general if you loose the conected unit he is asigned to.
Where's the BEEF!
06.03.2011 - 05:56
Please guys do not miss the most important point, buying new hats for your leaders/generals for SP. You have to look stylish as you conquer the world.
06.03.2011 - 06:16
 Ivan (Administrator)
At the moment we have this idea of putting the player into the game as a 'General', with a customizable unit icon. Not quite sure what would be the benefits of having a General in a stack of troops and what happens if he gets killed (game over?).
06.03.2011 - 06:37
Yes a victory option : kill or capture general
06.03.2011 - 07:23
Yeah it could be a new game type. He gives a large boost to stacks in in them but if he dies game over. Could be fun.
06.03.2011 - 11:44
And in a nromal game if your general dies, he dies but you do not lose the game!

Makes me think of being able to get more "generals" (Breeding) when you keep him in your city

A new strategy might give you a second general on the beginning, as a bonus.
06.03.2011 - 13:25
A general focused strategy? Hmm well that would be really high risk and over powerd if you can keep them alive, lose all your generals and you would be at a big disadvantage.

I like it
06.03.2011 - 16:10
Does sound fun. I would like to hear what the admin think on what they could implement in the game
09.03.2011 - 09:19
I love the idea of having a character in game. As this game is about armys, the general would most probably be usable in stacks only, giving them certain advantages; but what abous global improvements? Generals that give you like +1 attack or defense for all units ? Ok, that might be a bit overpowered, but what about unit bonuses? Something to combine with your strategy, like a real tank general. That might get really interesting .
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
09.03.2011 - 13:31
NO WAY would you loose a war if a general got killed?
you would just move some one up the ranks to take his place.
Sometimes this works out better then the original one other times it makes for a total flop of leadership
general 1 of +2 attack for all units under camand dies
a browser pops up with a list of new generals(NOT WHAT THEY DO THOUGH) and you asign a new general to the unit
New general is +4 defence but -4 move
so it could trow your whole advance off.
Where's the BEEF!
09.03.2011 - 13:35
To add to the idea of a game where you capture the general. this is called a Leader not a general and he should be a totaly diferent thing BUT you could give leader the special ability of moveing your capital to wherever he is on the map. so Hitler decides he wants france as his new capital and relocates camand and control there by moveing there. this would alow you to win the game if you captured the leader.
Where's the BEEF!
09.03.2011 - 21:20
This actually sounds interesting. But what would it take in terms of man-power( or programming-power, i suppose)?
09.03.2011 - 21:39
Geschreven door Psychostick, 09.03.2011 at 21:20

This actually sounds interesting. But what would it take in terms of man-power( or programming-power, i suppose)?

Same as programmiung regular units I would bet, although to acheive some functions listed, it may take a little more than the usual time to complete them.

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