08.12.2023 - 07:51 ![]() ![]() Paradox will not accept cw's in which Lil Rain participates in, nor will any players from our clan partake in duels, 3v3s or any games which he plays in.
08.12.2023 - 07:55
No sportsmanship from your side, do not even try finding excuses for what you did. As I told you in message aswell, if you agree to never do this again in game and agree on duel deletion we will stop the boycott and I will delete this post.
08.12.2023 - 07:59
Hello, it's always attitude of low men (in some cases no man at all) to cry when repaid with same disrespect you may have caused to another player. Yesterday when I f5'd 10 seconds after the turn started, you made one single move and ended turn at like 3:44, then acted surprised about it. This comes from a supporter, no wonder why this game is not going where it should. What you can take from this and grow is that everything that goes around, comes around. Have a good day.
08.12.2023 - 08:17 ![]() You put two units in belarus, in my expansion the units are in ukraine ![]() This is DS btw
08.12.2023 - 08:22
Your own expansion is not an excuse to disrespect t1 bigwall. I would have even agreed if you asked if it is alright to directly wf Kyiv t2 and I would have it walled for at least one turn at least. Instead, you send a troll message in chat "hmmm idk his wall in belarus blabla" and then attacked empty Kyiv with belarus units, knowing very well I will leave it empty. A normal player would apologize for wf-ing bigwall and leave Kyiv walled for 2 turns as it is supposed to be. I honestly did not expect this from you. From all AtWar players, I would have never guessed you would do something so disrespectful. Shows just how terrible my character judgement sometimes is.
08.12.2023 - 08:27 ![]() So I have to apologize for your skill issue? You made a wall outside your land and I wfed Belarus not Kiev
08.12.2023 - 08:32
Dude, stop. I play this game for 9 years. This is a known huarck move, he started doing this first. WF near belfast and make excuses to have Kyiv dewalled t3. Even he does not abuse it the same turn though, so this is one step further. It could be argued that wall in expansion you have shown does pass through belarus territory and so it is legit to be wf-ed aswell? Should we return to Mauzer's era of wf-ing turkey bigwall by bomber in sea, claiming that "bomber is not in turkey territory"? You did this on purpose. When Tchetnik commented in chat "ds ukraine coming", you refreshed your turn and did this (2 minutes into the turn) - instead of playing a normal game. This has been your plan to do the moment you refreshed. I hope 15 elo is worth all this. P.S Funny thing is that you even after abusing something like this you have the nerve to talk about skill issue here... The wall you have shown is breakable in one turn from above... I will not participate in any argument about this anymore. You have shown what kind of player you are. We will not accept cw's in which you partake, or duel you anymore.
08.12.2023 - 08:36
It's not the same as literally putting the units in Belarus, and it's not hard to make a hexagonal wall and make a triangular wall inside. I refreshed because Cloudflare does a check every time i switch from mobile to PC.
08.12.2023 - 09:05
What did WD do here? He exactly told him in chat he will not respect the wall. What did your clanmate do? He sent a troll message in chat: "idk, his wall is in belarus and my at aswell ..." and then proceeded to send 10 inf and gen to Kyiv, knowing very will it will be empty because I expected it to be respected for at least a turn. The move your clanmate did can be equalized to wf-ing enemy capital turn 1 and attakcing it the next turn. All this is legal as far as game rules go, we do not judge any walls. But this is super disrespectful in terms of sportsmanship on which dueling and cw is built upon - not to wf t1, not to rewall, not to serbwall. As I said, this is dirty play. Also, WD started doing this after Huarck did it to him. The cw in which WD did this to dominicano was deleted after Paradox confirmed they are alright with deletion.
08.12.2023 - 10:35
How about you guys stop bigwalling? You guys are lucky Steve Aoki doesnt play anymore,bunch of you scared to get rushed t3,well be a man and defend it!
08.12.2023 - 10:46
Aoki should return and start wf-ing t1 and rushing t2 just like Rain did.
08.12.2023 - 10:55
Big walling is fine as long as your wall units are inside Ukraine and not outside.
08.12.2023 - 11:50
Maybe I'm just an old timer and am unaware of any sort of changes but I remember many examples prior to 2021 where certain Paradox members would wf big walls that slightly extend outside of their opposition country and not respect it... Lelouch: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=47040 Witch-Doctor: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=48651 Maybe you should take a look within your own ranks before you start attacking others and let's not even start talking about how often you yourself use to rewall and do other dirty shit in cws yet we still put up with playing you.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
08.12.2023 - 11:59
" Anyways, I'm trying to make this right. I want to get the duel deleted. I'm trying to apologize and own up to my mistake. I'm not trying to make enemies or promote unfair gameplay. " - Lelouch I never rewalled in cw or duel. Second thing, stop trying to justify your clanmate's wrongdoing with other people's. I never did any of this, yet he did it to me! I am not WD, and I am not Lelouch. He did it to me in a duel. And what else did he do after wf-ing? The same turn he saw that his wf worked (t2), he sent 10 inf + gen into empty Kyiv, knowing fully well that it would be empty. None of these players you mentioned attacked the cities they wf-ed the same turn after they did it. What your clanmate did is dirty, unacceptable and pure disrespect towards me. His behaviour in this post shows it aswell, saying that "I lack skill" for having my wall wf-able by already known Belfast wf. If Tchetnik said nothing in that room, your clanmate would not have done what he did, and he knows it very well. If it was a Paradox member doing this, you would all make this the biggest problem in the game, but because it is one of your own - you find excuses and bring the past examples in attempts to defend your own clanmate's bad faith. Instead of telling him to try to correct his mistake, you support his wrongdoing, shame on you.
08.12.2023 - 12:41
not reading any of that
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
08.12.2023 - 12:52
There is nothing more to add, Pavle failed to make a wall that is within his territory and not outside and wants to make drama. I showed him how to make a proper wall but he doesn't want to understand. I'm going to quote Dave's opinion on this: "As far as game mechanics goes.... if the game lets you do it, it's legal. (I mean if it lets you without opening your browser console or hacking code -- that's different, obviously.) We're not going to make any new rules about walls. I don't want to get into the business of judging whether one end is a few pixels too far, blah blah blah. Rewalls, serbwalls, wallfucks t1 -- so what. That's just the nature of the game. ...And for the record it's pretty clear WD didn't do anything wrong here, I'm just talking in general that we shouldn't have rules about walls to begin with. Then we wouldn't have these stupid arguments."
09.12.2023 - 08:11
Pavel shut up, u used to abuse walls yourself, just karma in action
---- ![]()
09.12.2023 - 12:51
Based Kaska, he did that to me on at least 3 duels xa.
09.12.2023 - 13:48
why do you luv zoe ?
Weet je het zeker?