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Geplaatst door Garde, 10.04.2012 - 18:05
By that, I mean any sort of opinion or deep-down feeling I have for everything I can think of. Originally this thread was only meant for Afterwind, but I guess any sort of secrets do fine (*ahem* LILD). I told myself I wouldn't make this thread, but I got bored, so here we are. Anyways, let's start:

Lucky Bastard is my favorite strategy,

Cow is my hero,

I act like I hate Byzantia, but in reality I admire worship them,

Zizou is a false prophet,

I think Yoba is the tits,

HeyI was my favorite mod (now favorite skype buddy),

My new favorite mod is Acqu,

I always imagined Barrymore would be a british nigra,

Fruit is Manly>Dalmati pups,

The Entente was like a second family too me,

Fruit is a cool guy giv him rep plz kthxbai,

I hate playing on Europe,

I love playing in Oceania,

I don't favor the KongPlayers,

My favorite forum is Strategies,

I think Amok was the doer,

I think Ivan was the thinker,

My favorite clan was Zanarkand Abes,

I think TopHats is a trap,

I think Pinheiro is the coolest Brazilian I know,

I think Guest14502 should be like Harvey Birdman (Attorney at law),

I think Rep shows how much of a whore you are (Don't worry guys, 164 so far!),

My "Mentor" was Sificvoid,

I care for Zeroaintdead and Aksarben like I knew them forever,

Houdini is a winner,

Gigglin was always right,

Jericho is Serious Business,

I personally dislike Afterwind tourneys after the fact in the first one I was paired with the best player on the game at that time,

Vaglneer is best Niglett,

I'm currently flunking Algebra,

I hate School entirely,

My favorite animes are Bleach, Boku no Pico (HAHAHA), and Whatever shit is on Adult swim,

Did I mention Fruit is cool guy? Rep him plz,

Halo is b3st ga3m 3var <3,

I can't live without my computer,

I believe war is the physical action of Greed,

More to come.

I can't think of any more right now, post some of your own
12.04.2012 - 16:39
Okay secrets:

pinheiro once gave me his money to betray a mod and win

acquiesce and I joined on the same link and played the same first game

lild thinks there is something off about me

I am a genius

I used to use TG before IF

it took me more than 6 months to get from rang 7 to rang 8

VAFIKA pr'd me because he thought that I was him (???)

I used to be a 6/5 faggot before kanker

i don't have many problems with the moderation but they have problems with me

I am secretly the most loved player on aw ( : - ) )

I secretly respect the state of california

i secretly think USC is a good school

i used to look up to gardevoir

i think samnang is the funniest guy on aw but he's also a retard and I hate him

I think alexmeza should stop making obvious alts

I think fried chicken is overrated and makes my stomach hurt afterwards

I secretly think you're dumb if you believe what I said about fried chicken

barrymore is a better rapper than I am

im allergic to ugly ppl
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
12.04.2012 - 16:45
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Geschreven door VAGlNEER 2.0, 12.04.2012 at 16:39

Okay secrets:

pinheiro once gave me his money to betray a mod and win

acquiesce and I joined on the same link and played the same first game

lild thinks there is something off about me

I am a genius

I used to use TG before IF

it took me more than 6 months to get from rang 7 to rang 8

VAFIKA pr'd me because he thought that I was him (???)

I used to be a 6/5 faggot before kanker

i don't have many problems with the moderation but they have problems with me

I am secretly the most loved player on aw ( : - ) )

I secretly respect the state of california

i secretly think USC is a good school

i used to look up to gardevoir

i think samnang is the funniest guy on aw but he's also a retard and I hate him

I think alexmeza should stop making obvious alts

I think fried chicken is overrated and makes my stomach hurt afterwards

I secretly think you're dumb if you believe what I said about fried chicken

barrymore is a better rapper than I am

im allergic to ugly ppl

I was waiting for you to post and you did not disappoint. Now just Ivan and Amok.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
12.04.2012 - 19:31
For the 1st 7 years of my life I thought i was Mexican (Tan skin color)

Recognize 80% of my logic as bullshit

Have a hobby of copying people's voices and getting them exactly right

Think funniest person in AW is IfilandI

Knew TopHats was not girl whole time but pretended I did not as joke

My love of Jamaica began after I said my first "Dat"

Wish I have dreadlocks

Am somewhat confused about what the hell I am and how old I really am

Thinking of making a catchphrase for myself

Seem to have asian eyes due to blood mix

I'm so multiculti I can't even begin to learn them all so I just adopted one

Never got why the last name "Dudley" is so funny

The "D" in my username stands for 2 things

1.) My first name, Diondre'

2.) My old add-on to my username, "Domination"

Believe 100% VAGlNEER is better rapper than Barrymore

Think I hold a world record for most web browsers crashing on me

Admit to being completely terrible at BasketBall

Mostly I am too lazy to use my brain so I just act

Seeing fire in a certain size somehow pleases me

Think making beats is fun

Admit to being shit at beat boxing

Putting "Lil" on the begining of words is sort of another theme to me

I am patriotic about Jamaica on and off of Afterwind
I like stuff.... Yay?
12.04.2012 - 21:08
Alright, have a few more:

Before I started playing Afterwind, I was horrible at Geography (For instance, I thought Poland was an island, huehue),

I once thought NCM would be one of those great lasting friends I have so many of now, but it didn't last :'( (miss you bro),

I used to talk to the mods all the time,

I wish I hadn't chosen Gardevoir as a name, might have made me seem less faggy if I hadn't,

If I were to chose a new name, it would be Chopstick,

I usually always listen to the in-game soundtrack or Iron maiden when playing,

I never wanted to cln war with Empire SRB because I know if I lost I would let my friends down, and since I cared about them more than the clan itself I didn't want them to be sad,

My attention whore-ness comes from the fact I really never had a family to rely on or that payed attention too me so I usually try to think of Afterwind as my family,

Most of the black players on here have been my friend at some point (LilD, Matt, Roncho, u mai niqqas <3),

I get latejoined a lot,

I usually ally-end games with new players that ask for it on account of nobody ever doing that for me when I was that rank,

I think classic Afterwind (Zanarkand abes, /int/, WBL, Paper cranes, old lobby, old battle system, old forums) was best afterwind,

If Afterwind hadn't come into my life I'd probably be a douchbag,

The only person who has ever made me sad or made me cry is Vaglneer when he reminds me of how I was before I was an attention-whore,

I once cut myself during an afterwind game because my family said I was useless,

I love each and every one of you <3
12.04.2012 - 21:56

I have read every single post on this thread

Sometimes I feel like a creeper

There are times when I will just read cln chat but not actually write anything

I think iDake is awesome

I think vaglneer is awesome

I secretly want to win a vaglneer award

I assume a lot of things, though usually cautiously - for example, I have never seen Fruit play well (only seen twice when not latejoining), but I assume he does

I played ROBLOX for almost 3 years and it's kinda scary how seriously one can take things in the clan world, which is why I just want to chill out here

I wish more people from ROBLOX played Afterwind

Right now I am the quickest rank 9 (started in Dec 11), which I don't really understand since I usually only play a couple small euro games each day

I consider myself a good player and I think that, while rank is not the causative factor, it is a good indicator of skill

I hate how my favorite strat (sky menace) is the one I fuck up with the most

I can play 8 or so different instruments but I have never been in a band. I usually play by ear and improv

I have memorized the Soviet National Anthem even though I'm living in the US, was born after the Cold War ended, and I'm not communist.

I'm one of those people who get annoyed by simple things, like the fact that I started most of these sentences with "I <verb>"

When I left my original coalition, I got invited personally to BiteMe Too, Warborn Legion, Dalmati Pups, and Revolutionaries within 2 days.

I would have joined WBL, but NateBaller's pitch actually made it seem really bad

I hate how there are so many inside jokes for this game

I'm somewhat appalled at the levels of antisemitism, anti-americanism, and nationalism even among the small, liberal community here

Going off that point about getting annoyed at small things, I just noticed I used periods to end some sentences but not others. I'm just going to leave it.

I used to think Gardevoir was cool, but then I (took an ar- STFU) began to realize how arrogant he can be (calls me out in game for "allyfagging" when I allied just one rank 5 who asked me politely before the game if we could ally, uses strange/sarcastic insults - you are too classy!)

Too many people hate me/other byzantians just because of the cln we're in

I like to think that I have a good singing voice, but I've only ever demonstrated them to a couple girls while I was goofing around and I have no idea what they thought of it

Ahmadinejad is not God but I still love him <3

Byzantia as a whole is pretty awesome but houdini scares me
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
12.04.2012 - 22:13
Geschreven door TDFall, 12.04.2012 at 21:56


I have read every single post on this thread

Sometimes I feel like a creeper

There are times when I will just read cln chat but not actually write anything

I think iDake is awesome

I think vaglneer is awesome

I secretly want to win a vaglneer award

I assume a lot of things, though usually cautiously - for example, I have never seen Fruit play well (only seen twice when not latejoining), but I assume he does

I played ROBLOX for almost 3 years and it's kinda scary how seriously one can take things in the clan world, which is why I just want to chill out here

I wish more people from ROBLOX played Afterwind

Right now I am the quickest rank 9 (started in Dec 11), which I don't really understand since I usually only play a couple small euro games each day

I consider myself a good player and I think that, while rank is not the causative factor, it is a good indicator of skill

I hate how my favorite strat (sky menace) is the one I fuck up with the most

I can play 8 or so different instruments but I have never been in a band. I usually play by ear and improv

I have memorized the Soviet National Anthem even though I'm living in the US, was born after the Cold War ended, and I'm not communist.

I'm one of those people who get annoyed by simple things, like the fact that I started most of these sentences with "I <verb>"

When I left my original coalition, I got invited personally to BiteMe Too, Warborn Legion, Dalmati Pups, and Revolutionaries within 2 days.

I would have joined WBL, but NateBaller's pitch actually made it seem really bad

I hate how there are so many inside jokes for this game

I'm somewhat appalled at the levels of antisemitism, anti-americanism, and nationalism even among the small, liberal community here

Going off that point about getting annoyed at small things, I just noticed I used periods to end some sentences but not others. I'm just going to leave it.

I used to think Gardevoir was cool, but then I (took an ar- STFU) began to realize how arrogant he can be (calls me out in game for "allyfagging" when I allied just one rank 5 who asked me politely before the game if we could ally, uses strange/sarcastic insults - you are too classy!)

Too many people hate me/other byzantians just because of the cln we're in

I like to think that I have a good singing voice, but I've only ever demonstrated them to a couple girls while I was goofing around and I have no idea what they thought of it

Ahmadinejad is not God but I still love him <3

Byzantia as a whole is pretty awesome but houdini scares me

I spawned as Portugal, and you joined the game at the last second and raped me with France, of course I was going to be a little twerp and get pissed off.
12.04.2012 - 22:50
Geschreven door TDFall, 12.04.2012 at 21:56

Ahmadinejad is not God


12.04.2012 - 22:53
Geschreven door Garde, 12.04.2012 at 22:13

I spawned as Portugal, and you joined the game at the last second and raped me with France, of course I was going to be a little twerp and get pissed off.

If you can take France, why the hell would you take Portugal?

12.04.2012 - 23:01
Geschreven door KYBL, 12.04.2012 at 22:53

Geschreven door Garde, 12.04.2012 at 22:13

I spawned as Portugal, and you joined the game at the last second and raped me with France, of course I was going to be a little twerp and get pissed off.

If you can take France, why the hell would you take Portugal?

I was trying GW for the first time in forever, and figured the extra money would help.
12.04.2012 - 23:05
Geschreven door Garde, 12.04.2012 at 23:01

Geschreven door KYBL, 12.04.2012 at 22:53

Geschreven door Garde, 12.04.2012 at 22:13

I spawned as Portugal, and you joined the game at the last second and raped me with France, of course I was going to be a little twerp and get pissed off.

If you can take France, why the hell would you take Portugal?

I was trying GW for the first time in forever, and figured the extra money would help.

Was it 10k? Also, Portugal sucks asshole

12.04.2012 - 23:48
Geschreven door Garde, 12.04.2012 at 21:08

Most of the black players on here have been my friend at some point (LilD, Matt, Roncho, u mai niqqas <3),

lol Gardy, Am I still yo friend? I just got pissed that one time you said "White Power" is all.
I like stuff.... Yay?
12.04.2012 - 23:51
Geschreven door KYBL, 12.04.2012 at 23:05

Was it 10k? Also, Portugal sucks asshole

Seems like somebody doesn't know how to use Portugal right
I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 08:43
Geschreven door Deray YG, 12.04.2012 at 23:51
Geschreven door KYBL, 12.04.2012 at 23:05

Was it 10k? Also, Portugal sucks asshole

Seems like somebody doesn't know how to use Portugal right

You clearly have't been reading the whole thread... because Gardevoir said that he got Portugal exclusively for the money. I would have you know Portugal offers very little income in comparison to France!

I get really annoyed when people just want to speak about one tiny part of a post but quote the whole freakin' thing. I'm not enough of a douche to point it out though, and I think mods should go around cleaning up these posts.

I don't like anyone too stupid to understand BBcode in general.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
13.04.2012 - 09:22
Geschreven door YOBA, 13.04.2012 at 08:43
I get really annoyed when people just want to speak about one tiny part of a post but quote the whole freakin' thing. I'm not enough of a douche to point it out though, and I think mods should go around cleaning up these posts.

I hate that too, specially when they start to quote the quotes (quoteception) and the whole thread becomes a huge mess. Still, I think players should educate themselves instead of having mods babysitting them.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
13.04.2012 - 10:10
Geschreven door Pinheiro, 13.04.2012 at 09:22

I hate that too, specially when they start to quote the quotes (quoteception) and the whole thread becomes a huge mess. Still, I think players should educate themselves instead of having mods babysitting the.

I like stuff.... Yay?
15.04.2012 - 23:01
This thread died ;_;
15.04.2012 - 23:03
A classier way of saying "bump"
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
03.06.2012 - 00:22
I used to like NateBaller

I used to like Boys_Noize

I used to like Gardevoir

I used to hate Kaliraa until I learned he was a funny guy

When I get bored I start listening to Tupac and Ice Cube

I am somewhat mental

The most common question i'm asked is "Are you high?"

In my spare time I do rap battles

I really do believe Jamaica is best nation and I get insulted when people call it shitty

I think Fruit is funniest person in AW

I gave myself an award for oppressing Ironfail


I'm thinking of changing my name again

Wondering if I should not have quit PC Mom so I would've ended up in Byzantia

Fav weapon is the AK47

I am a Soulja and nothing more

I think I may be a alternate version of Tupac
I like stuff.... Yay?
04.06.2012 - 21:37
I guess Ill go

I am a simple man

I could not give less of a fuck

I am extremely patriotic

I am slightly racist

I do not like Iranians or terrorists

I belive Know that Ireland is the best country ever and you will respect it

Ive been banned from every site Ive been on including afterwind

I always ally end because I get bored

I am lazy, and will randomly start and stop things

I get bored which leads me to leaving a game or killing everyone

I like to play devils advocate just to watch my allies tear each other apart in a spectacular show of anger and death

I think I might be slighty insane

I like watching people get angry. Call me a troll or whatever, but seeing the rage in my enemies blood red eyes, that moment of pure fury, that is what i love the most.
All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
04.06.2012 - 22:47
I hate religion

I hate most Americans

I'm an asshole, but not apathetic

I hate myself

I've never had a relationship last more than 3 months

I self-harm

I contemplate suicide every day

I run track and cross-country

I don't drink soda

I betray people in games due to boredom

I don't know why, but many people at my school believe i do cocaine and weed. I don't lol

I think Megan Fox is ugly (don't kill me)

I'm white

I leave games for weeks at a time spontaneously
"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."
- Ambrose Bierce
05.06.2012 - 00:14
I once had a brief conversation with zizou in Italian using Google translate

Half the time I log in it's just to talk to people

I often have a good conversation with someone and then add them to my friend list only to forget who they are a couple months later

I do not believe in god whatsoever

I honestly don't get why there's so much hate and trolling sometimes, it's a game and we're all here to have fun

I really don't know what to make of Gardevoir

I've beat TopHats 1v1 twice

Sky Menace Turkey was the first strategy that I ever learned to play effectively and it still has a special place in my heart

I have't met anyone who liked my musical taste on Afterwind but that's understandable

I enjoy talking to just about everyone on Afterwind

Fred Lives
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.

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