As one of the main advocates for having ELO replace the unfit for purpose CW score pointing system from Spring of 2015 for ranking clans in the official atWar clan tournament. I really believe its time to change it again.
3 Points for a win -
Nothing for Draw or Loss (No penalty for losing CW = more activity)
Most points win the league - tie break is decided in roundrob knockout
Just imagine how different the league would of looked this season, maybe deservedly so... (dont kick me croat!)
Thoughts ladies and gents...
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Ideas like this have been proposed like 1000 times, nothing new. I think there's community approval, but it needs to be supported by Dave, and the code ofc.
Geschreven door PaIm, 11.09.2021 at 10:48
Ideas like this have been proposed like 1000 times, nothing new. I think there's community approval, but it needs to be supported by Dave, and the code ofc.
You are right, but I do believe pELO formatrevents clan wars as well as map lack of map variety played.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Asy..JOIN MY CLAN..i want this