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Geplaatst door Spart, 24.11.2014 - 22:37
We got no player of the month for September or October!

----> Inb4 bitch comments to my bitch thread
04.12.2014 - 07:16
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 06:45

Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 03.12.2014 at 16:44

Actually, my world is full of colors.

Geschreven door Khal.eesi, 03.12.2014 at 18:05

i think we live in the same world

My world
Your world
I prefer my world.

I know. Nothing new under the sun.
04.12.2014 - 07:38
Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 04.12.2014 at 07:16

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 06:45

Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 03.12.2014 at 16:44

Actually, my world is full of colors.

Geschreven door Khal.eesi, 03.12.2014 at 18:05

i think we live in the same world

My world
Your world
I prefer my world.

I know. Nothing new under the sun.

Don't worry some people just still living the radical life. Look at amish people. Maybe Tito is amish too, with secretly acces to internet xaxa.

Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 07:42
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 06:45

Welcome to my colourful world Tito!!

If there's something I like from Spain is our flag! Go colours!!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

04.12.2014 - 08:36
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 08:15

Geschreven door Waffel, 04.12.2014 at 07:38

Don't worry some people just still living the radical life. Look at amish people. Maybe Tito is amish too, with secretly acces to internet xaxa.

Actually, radical life is life which change and transform so much that old life cannot be recognized anymore.
Therefore, if i live a normal life, and you change your way of[normal] life, that mean you are radical, not me.
If one man lives the same for 50 years, and other man change his life every 10 years, that mean he is radical as he change things alot.

Man without cellphone is normal, man with iphone is radical
Man with TV from the 90s is normal, man with HD thin LDC is radical
Man with car from 1980 is normal, man with 2014 Mercedes is radical

Because life isnt competition or race, so if one man obtain something, i must as well.

You do know radical life is exactly the opposite of what you just said? o_o

For example,
Most people who still live the radical life don't accept gay marriages.
They still believe in picking the husband for their daughter (mostly in islam though), but happens in other cultures too.

I think you really need to or go back to school. Or wonder if your teacher or country actually teaches you guys the right things.
And maybe thats the whole problem though. Countries teach people the way to put themself into the perfect picture and others in into bad ones.
Thats the whole problem with having different kind of cultures and stuff... Lies lies lies lies and all lies.

If I was taught wrong, and if you could possible proof that. Than I apologize and I can blame my government/country for teaching me the wrong meaning of radical. If not, then I stick with what I said.

Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 09:15
Lol wow.. I posted somethin in this thread yesterday someone deleted................. Columna???

04.12.2014 - 09:16
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 06:45

My world

Your world

I prefer my world.

lol how boring your world sounds.

also, when you go out to Russian or Serbian bars, or wherever it is you go out, if you dont see colours, how do you pick what dress to wear?How do you know which dress suits your eye colour and lipstick?

04.12.2014 - 09:21
Geschreven door Sultan of Swing, 04.12.2014 at 09:15

Lol wow.. I posted somethin in this thread yesterday someone deleted................. Columna???

Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 04.12.2014 at 08:33

Sorry sultan, I deleted your forum post.

I knew it..

04.12.2014 - 11:33
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

Geschreven door Waffel, 04.12.2014 at 08:36

You do know radical life is exactly the opposite of what you just said? o_o

For example,
Most people who still live the radical life don't accept gay marriages.
They still believe in picking the husband for their daughter (mostly in islam though), but happens in other cultures too.

I think you really need to or go back to school. Or wonder if your teacher or country actually teaches you guys the right things.
And maybe thats the whole problem though. Countries teach people the way to put themself into the perfect picture and others in into bad ones.
Thats the whole problem with having different kind of cultures and stuff... Lies lies lies lies and all lies.

If I was taught wrong, and if you could possible proof that. Than I apologize and I can blame my government/country for teaching me the wrong meaning of radical. If not, then I stick with what I said.

99% of families were normal before 50 years, and if you mention them gay marriages, gays adopting kids, not punishing pedophiles for sex with children, they would think you are evil and crazy.

That doesnt mean families were radical or extremist, but thats the way it is - life. Then someone forced new laws, new liberties and freedoms for particular groups and thus took away basic freedom of families, tradition and moral values. That was radical.

For me, radicals and extremists are people who dont save money, waste monies on unecessary things and then start a shitstorm when they run out of cash. They buy $50,000 cars when you can buy perfectly good ride for $500, they buy expensive TVs, computers, homes of $200,000 instead $20,000

Lets say our average salary is $2,000 a month, thats $480,000 in 20 years
You buy $50,000 car, and change it in five years for another new model of $50,000, then in 5 years you change again to obtain new model and 'raise' your 'prestige'
I buy $500 car and change it for newer model after 20 years and spend $500 again
That mean in 20 years you spent $200,000 on 4 cars only, i spent $1000 on 2 and i didnt made debt, you had to make debt and you depend on bank and government now.
Now, because of people like you[radical/extremist] economic crisis occur, people strike, go out and protest, workers want raise, hippies blame government, extremists blame jews and retards blame russia.

Therefore, you are greater menace to society for your radicalism then me .

I get your point. And I have to agree some people buy to much which arent really necassery, but IF they have the money for it and WANT to act cool or whatever prestige like you said, let them be. They have probably worked for their money and if not their parents/grandparents did. Who are you to tell them how they should live their lifes and stuff. Indeed nobody.

Therefore it also depends on what country you live, I life in NL I see everybody walking with the latest trends of phones , samsung/iphone/LG/whatever more. I see newest models of shoes/clothings/jackets/cars/etc. Its not a big deal in this country because we mostly have enough jobs/money. Yes now with the crisis all these things have been pushed back and people save their money and stuff.

But to get back at your example.
You have different kind of people, economical (obviously you) and not economical people, and ofcourse people mid in that and quarter this blabla you get it.
My point is that you say you buy a car of $500 but let me explain you something. Cars of $500 I bet have high mileage, they are probably near to dead, they are used up.
Those cars dont even go further than 20 years. maybe 5/10 years. If you buy a good car of $20k or $50k. You can buy a perfectly fine car for 10k here, even for 5k but 5k is mostly used. And those cars hold on longer than 5/10 years. So that reasoning of you is kinda invallid.

The house for $20k lol. I wonder if you are talking about 1 person home or just a bighome with 2 parents 2/3/4 children? Since thats a bigdifference....

Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 12:22
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 12:14

Geschreven door Waffel, 04.12.2014 at 11:33

I get your point. And I have to agree some people buy to much which arent really necassery, but IF they have the money for it and WANT to act cool or whatever prestige like you said, let them be. They have probably worked for their money and if not their parents/grandparents did. Who are you to tell them how they should live their lifes and stuff. Indeed nobody.

Therefore it also depends on what country you live, I life in NL I see everybody walking with the latest trends of phones , samsung/iphone/LG/whatever more. I see newest models of shoes/clothings/jackets/cars/etc. Its not a big deal in this country because we mostly have enough jobs/money. Yes now with the crisis all these things have been pushed back and people save their money and stuff.

But to get back at your example.
You have different kind of people, economical (obviously you) and not economical people, and ofcourse people mid in that and quarter this blabla you get it.
My point is that you say you buy a car of $500 but let me explain you something. Cars of $500 I bet have high mileage, they are probably near to dead, they are used up.
Those cars dont even go further than 20 years. maybe 5/10 years. If you buy a good car of $20k or $50k. You can buy a perfectly fine car for 10k here, even for 5k but 5k is mostly used. And those cars hold on longer than 5/10 years. So that reasoning of you is kinda invallid.

The house for $20k lol. I wonder if you are talking about 1 person home or just a bighome with 2 parents 2/3/4 children? Since thats a bigdifference....

USA is big, if i dont find good vehicle for $500 in Illinois i will find in Texas or California. Point is too buy some model of old and large company[cadillac, ford etc] so there are cheap spare parts all around country.

I can buy Mercedes for $50,000 and that quality car can last 50 years without problem, why i dont want to spend 50,000 when i can spend 1,000 on 2 cars which will last 20-25 years.

Even if spend $500 on car every 5 years, that is $5,000 for 10 cars for the next 50 years. And i save $45,000

Point is i like to maximize my capital by being economical. Though i dont always spend $500 on car, once i found very good car in good shape for $400, once i found decent car for $200, but didnt last long, couldnt find spare parts. Once i spent $1000, the other time $5,000. But i dont like to spend more than $5,000 on 'horseless carriage' which i will use 15 minutes-1h a day.

Average house of 80m^2 for 4 members family can be found for $20,000, but average cost is $40,000

Point of all these is to be economic, so you dont need to take loans and worry about debt and mortgage. Also economic crisis wont happen then. And honestly, im tired of listening noobs blaming ghosts for crisis and financial collapses... when peopel are not capable of spending money wisely... they recieve paycheck and spend all on buying drink to whole bar friday night, then he go home and blame Obama and Russia.

Okey, as again radicalisering is not about changes its exactly the opposite. Its staying in the past and less changing. Atleast that what taught me like I said in my previous posts.

If you want to be economical go ahead. But don't expect others to take the same train. Every person is different every person has its needs. You might ride 15 mins/1h a day with your car, others might need 5 hours/8 hours a day. You might enjoy a house in some ghetto neighbourhoor others might not. You might like a house in a flat or a appartment, others don't live with it. I get what you are trying to say and I understand it but attacking people and telling them hey are living the wrong life is not exactly a good example of what you trying to respresent. In every country you have other costs for those things. Like I said in NL you can barely find a good not used up fuckedup or broken car for less than €500. Most of them are around the € 1.500. And this isnt only in NL I think also in america but just the richer parts. Like you called were pretty cheap places. Anyways I hope you get what I mean.

Also as for your last sentences. I don't know if you are implying to me or anyone in this thread but I know alot of people who don't waste their money on useles crap, and especially with this crisis.

Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 13:12
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 12:29

Geschreven door Waffel, 04.12.2014 at 12:22

>altering social structures
>revolutionary means
>change system of values
>fundamental ways

My humble opinion is; radicalism is very extremist and aggressive.


Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 13:50
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

They buy $50,000 cars when you can buy perfectly good ride for $500,

500 lol.sorry but i dont want to ride to work every day, in this

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

homes of $200,000 instead $20,000

20.000 homes!!xxaxaxaxa!sorry but i dont want to live in one of these..

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

Now, because of people like you[radical/extremist] economic crisis occur, people strike, go out and protest, workers want raise, hippies blame government, extremists blame jews and retards blame russia.
Therefore, you are greater menace to society for your radicalism then me .

i agree!for every one of these you guys buy

an innocent kid in Syria gets bombed

stop hurting innocent lifes radical/extremist!how dareyou buy the new nikes and go out for a drink friday night!
04.12.2014 - 15:44
Geschreven door Khal.eesi, 04.12.2014 at 13:50

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

They buy $50,000 cars when you can buy perfectly good ride for $500,

500 lol.sorry but i dont want to ride to work every day, in this

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

homes of $200,000 instead $20,000

20.000 homes!!xxaxaxaxa!sorry but i dont want to live in one of these..

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 09:54

Now, because of people like you[radical/extremist] economic crisis occur, people strike, go out and protest, workers want raise, hippies blame government, extremists blame jews and retards blame russia.
Therefore, you are greater menace to society for your radicalism then me .

i agree!for every one of these you guys buy

an innocent kid in Syria gets bombed

stop hurting innocent lifes radical/extremist!how dareyou buy the new nikes and go out for a drink friday night!

Best car and house

Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
04.12.2014 - 17:19
So many large text blocks

05.12.2014 - 06:00
Geschreven door Waffel, 04.12.2014 at 15:44

Best car and house

05.12.2014 - 06:41
Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 08:15

Man without cellphone is normal, man with iphone is radical
Man with TV from the 90s is normal, man with HD thin LDC is radical
Man with car from 1980 is normal, man with 2014 Mercedes is radical

No, what you are describing is a population that lives in wealth and that goes mainstream! To be mainstream is definitely something that a radical person does not want to be. Please review your concept of radicalism, as in opposition to extremism and of being mainstream.
05.12.2014 - 06:53
Geschreven door Columna Durruti, 05.12.2014 at 06:41

Geschreven door Skanderbeg, 04.12.2014 at 08:15

Man without cellphone is normal, man with iphone is radical
Man with TV from the 90s is normal, man with HD thin LDC is radical
Man with car from 1980 is normal, man with 2014 Mercedes is radical

No, what you are describing is a population that lives in wealth and that goes mainstream! To be mainstream is definitely something that a radical person does not want to be. Please review your concept of radicalism, as in opposition to extremism and of being mainstream.


Geschreven door Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015

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