I have been playing Atwar for about 6 month now I think,I have noticed that "the pros" hate RPs,but most of my SP's are from RP's. I want to learn how to play regular games on world map and europe then hopefully join a clan.
Azula. Berichten: 1395 Van: België
Make contact with No-Name , he's from your country
I am pro and I love RP.
If you have fun playing the map, then play it. Fun is what matter in every type of game
TST, bro , cool thing that u live in UAE, I got your PM but I want my clan mates to see whether or not what I am saying is good advice or not.
To answer your question, I have seen many high rank "noobs", so SP doesn't mean shit, thats because I'm one of them bro :p
I've beaten countless players that are have higher ranking than me, moreover, SP truly doesn't mean shit, it just gives you an estimate or so called, 'overview' of a player's experience bro. what you should play mostly is 3v3 euro games, to prepare and train for future cow's ( clan wars ). and you can play world map games, not for SP farming but for practice, if you're good at the game, SP will come looking for you don't worry. El crey teaches 'Sun-Tsu', i learn mostly from 'Sun-Tsu' and 'The Militia'. I am willing to put the time and exertions to train you too, as my duty to this clan at least. PM me again for the time u'd like to train, maybe i can meet your needs mate
And yes you can still play rp, just get used to not farm sp from eps bro, play if u like it
Azula. Berichten: 1395 Van: België
Great comment noName i bet you helped him
Pros don't need to say "i am pro". not saying that you're not strykos, just saying.. :p
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It's not the end.
There's an AW Academy but i'm not sure if its launched or not yet, there are also many helpful players in the community to help you. You joined evoL, good choice to learn at your level.
You can play RP if you really like the roleplay aspect, but its sp gain is ridiculous and doesn't teach any sort of skill whatsoever; which is why its despised by the competitive community. If you need any help ask your clan mates/leader or PM me id be happy to help.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?