5 inf 2 tanks in hungary
5 inf 2 tanks 1 bomb in serbia
5 inf 2 tanks in bulgaria
6 inf 3 tanks in romania
2 inf in varna
2 inf in thessaloniki
11 inf 1 gen 3 tanks 1 transport in greece
2 inf in batumi
2 inf 2 tanks in tbilisi
7 reinf in istanbul (for aa/building)
2 reinf in ankara (for aa/building)
4 reinf in adana (could be used for bigwall)
1 inf in antalya
700 cash at end of t1
2 naval transports, no air transport
I didn't suicide transports at the end of t1
This is the toughest exp I've ever done, I can't do it consistently and it takes me 10 minutes when I can.
PS: ty dave for that change, so now i have to spend 6min moving units from nt because its next to the city
Bro forreal...
Its so frustrating dropping units of nt's now, imagine losing a game due to that in 4min cw...
Was so unneeded for
btw just wanted to put this tip somewhere
If you hover your mouse over a unit such that the unit menu opens, then use the mouse wheel to scroll away, the unit menu will move away and you can then click it easily
Here's one for you. Get 42 and gen into belgium as ironfist France. You also have to wall your cap! It's a very precise expand and rangeskill test. No air or naval trans!
Here's one for you. Get 42 and gen into belgium as ironfist France. You also have to wall your cap! It's a very precise expand and rangeskill test. No air or naval trans!
Here's one for you. Get 42 and gen into belgium as ironfist France. You also have to wall your cap! It's a very precise expand and rangeskill test. No air or naval trans!
i enjoyed this challenge not gonna lie
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.
Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
Nice hack, I can't get my stack to reach when i do what you do. ie merge lyon and marseille units into paris. I had to do something similar to Alex. I like what he did.
Nice hack, I can't get my stack to reach when i do what you do. ie merge lyon and marseille units into paris. I had to do something similar to Alex. I like what he did.
We should make some dick measuring contest in regards of expansions.
Or "tourney"
Like 5 competitive players are judges and we post expansions, they decide which one is the best.
Like beauty contest.
Xa Alexs method is really tricky, i rfd with it too. Ill try it again later. I just move an inf outside paris to get lyon stack on line with belg. then i move more units out of paris to get some movement in that lyon stack. then i send the mainstack above it, merge the lyon stack into the main and then it reaches.
More interested in an expansion that brings you +225 units at the start of t5 by only taking countries reaching up to czech and switzerland (basically only taking countries that Turkey (t5) would in a Ukr vs Turk)
With taking Hungary t1 you can only reach roughly 190-210.
More interested in an expansion that brings you +225 units at the start of t5 by only taking countries reaching up to czech and switzerland (basically only taking countries that Turkey (t5) would in a Ukr vs Turk)
With taking Hungary t1 you can only reach roughly 190-210.
More interested in an expansion that brings you +225 units at the start of t5 by only taking countries reaching up to czech and switzerland (basically only taking countries that Turkey (t5) would in a Ukr vs Turk)
With taking Hungary t1 you can only reach roughly 190-210.