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30.08.2012 - 17:37
I WANT ARABIC ROOM :D btw google transle suck better not to use it >.<

30.08.2012 - 17:40 learn english
30.08.2012 - 17:42
Geschreven door Kilikian ARM, 30.08.2012 at 17:40 learn english

lol, if this board had a rep system.... I'd be giving you points right now.
30.08.2012 - 17:58
Lrn to english
30.08.2012 - 18:31
We would like a room with Turkish talk !!!
30.08.2012 - 18:35
This is english game, don't like it?

learn english
or don't and put up with it
or leave

30.08.2012 - 18:38
Its stupid idea if you got turk room all other nationality will ask for own room this will be part afterwind comunity, i like room like now all together you always can use google translate .

Guys,I'm too tired now.I'm getting a continuous mute I really do not know english. modes do not understand me.
especially 'tzeentch' and 'Acquiesce'

mods just follow afterwind rules english is official language here i dont see problem abaut that, try use google translate if you lazy for that then dont chat.i also got warnings if write in macedonian language

i dont like FSM idea, he must improve his english and try to learn how to use google translate

just imagine all that haos in room 2 no one will understand what people chat

in future if china players came and ask for china room ?

ENGLISH official language of Afterwind forever
30.08.2012 - 18:41
Geschreven door F.Sultan Mehmet, 30.08.2012 at 17:34

(google trans,Is there anything wrong I'm sorry)

google translate always work stop be anyoing with you idea for turk room,go created game and give name turk room and use for chat with you turks friends
30.08.2012 - 18:45
Geschreven door F.Sultan Mehmet, 30.08.2012 at 18:39

Geschreven door nonames, 30.08.2012 at 18:35

This is english game, don't like it?

learn english
or don't and put up with it
or leave


yes this game english but Turkish language does not indicate whether this option is. you dont like türks i know. and you are racist.

Do not laugh like an idiot. )

he is not racist he have more turks friends here then you mehmet stop be lier ok
30.08.2012 - 18:45
You guys, we got to have room#2, for all languages, i am getting tired of seeing my friends who are Türks and Hispanics getting muted because they are talking in either Turkish and spanish. and fumbduck, i agree with FSM, you are racist and hate Türks, and you are annoying. Now, we should have a room#2 for all languages, not just Turkish. but, i dont see that happening, too many promises have been made and broken.
"Fear me, because I am a Hispanic, and Hispanics fear nobody. We Hispanics will party hard, but we will also fight hard, and won't give up until we defeat you. we always remember and we never forget anything."-Mexican_Wizard.
30.08.2012 - 18:51
English at home, English in the Afterwind.- F.Sultan Mehmet

i wondering how all that people who will write in their own language in room2 will understand each other
for example mehmet write in turkish ,spanish in spanish language ,srbian in srbian language and all that trolls players totaly haos for mods
30.08.2012 - 18:56
Avatar 5/5
30.08.2012 - 19:02
Armenian and avatar, 0/5.
"Fear me, because I am a Hispanic, and Hispanics fear nobody. We Hispanics will party hard, but we will also fight hard, and won't give up until we defeat you. we always remember and we never forget anything."-Mexican_Wizard.
30.08.2012 - 19:53
Geschreven door F.Sultan Mehmet, 30.08.2012 at 18:47

listen dude, google trans is stupid and faulty.

Honestly, google translate has translated everything you have said reasonably well. It may not make perfect sense but grammar on the internet is terrible anyways.
30.08.2012 - 22:22
Just add group chat, no need for a new room

on another note though, Avatar is the shining example of actually trying to learn english rather than request a room just for his own language; I've known him for a while and while his english is not perfect it has indeed improved and I think many can understand him much better now.

Google Translate does fail at times, however you can usually see where it fails and fix it where it is needed. The big thing with google translate is not to get fancy with your words, standard and easy/short words work best when being translated - also you can back translate and see if it's really what you want to say. If it isn't you can fix it accordingly! I agree there are many turks, but there are many other nationalities and honestly having a channel for non-english would be just as bad as room 1 allowing other languages, spam that you don't understand. This is why a group chat would be better. Also no one is being racist, and trying to pull such a claim is only making your argument weaker.

btw if you want to say google translate is bad I recently played a game where tuncbey tesla and bargain were speaking in turkish, I was able to google translate and see a lot of their coordinating. This should be a lesson to anyone thinking a language barrier will protect you in-game, always use ally chat!
Geschreven door Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Geschreven door tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

30.08.2012 - 23:07
Well this turned into a flame war quickly.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
31.08.2012 - 01:41
First of all, stay at the Topic, so do not call someone racist or what ever just because he doesnt share your opinion, otherwise we had to close here.

On Topic:
I would like to chat in my motherlanguage too, i guess my english will lead to some laught sometimes. But We have rules here, we ALL had to follow.
Noone gets a warning or mute if he uses the "wrong" language once (only with bad timing^^). But we have private, game and Clan chat where you can chat in a language of your choice (Game chat is english too, but be honest, if you make a game with friends noone will care). If Amok/Ivan made a room for one language, the others want to have a own room too, so we need a german room, a frensh room, a arabic room, a hebrew room, a spanish room and and and...
I have talked to someone who just speak frensh, using google trans, and it worked, same with turkish, so it is possible if you really want, and being lazy is not a good reason for a new room.
We have the Idea with a group chat, that is a idea i would agree with, but not the "nationality" room suggestion.
31.08.2012 - 02:21
I totally agree to tzeentch.

group chats are great and nationality rooms are not a good idea.

@F.Sultan Mehmet if you want to talk in your language with other, then open a coalition which is only for people speaking this language, something like the Deutsche Koalition (our coalition language is german and if you want to join you need to know german)

31.08.2012 - 02:22
Recently we had the same discussion:
There where some idea's with custom chats and language selection in the profile. I quote:
Geschreven door Ivan, 03.08.2012 at 03:35

I like this solution, we might end up implementing something like that, plus custom channels.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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