14.12.2020 - 14:03 ![]() ![]() ![]() "Everything is darkest, before the dawn." -- Xaphen ![]() DireWarlord99 presents: HERE YE HERE YE! After months of building, testing, and showing the community the Warhammer based atWar scenarios, the time has now at last come to test who among you are the best lords, ladies, generals, and warlords of the Warhammer world! In this tournament, teams will fight across 2-4 maps in different parts of the world and lore, fighting as both the forces of good and the forces of evil. After the polling for the vote results (see this screen shot for the final results: screenshot, it was decided that "Option 3" will be used to create the teams: Option 3: Instead of people forming their own teams, players will simply announce their interest in playing, and the teams will be created by the host (a.k.a, the mapmaker) from the pool of interested players. Any player who is interested in being a part of a team should also post how experienced they are at the listed maps (not overall player skill). The players who are interested will be listed on the forum and will be updated as more players are interested. Note: The mapmaker is NOT participating in the tournament so teams will not be intentionally stacked. Players can then vote to agree with or disagree with the team set ups (with the focus being on balance) and changes can be made as needed before the teams are considered official. Players will have 1 week to familiarize themselves with the maps and to register for the tounament. By resgistering, you commit yourself fully to the tournament. You have until the end of registration to remove yourself from the registration list if you are unable to fully commit to the tournament after wanting to resgister. To voice your interest, you can either message the host DireWarlord99 or post your interest in the forum. The forum will be updated daily with the list of players who are interested in playing. If you do not see your name pop after some time, please message DireWarlord99 directly so that the problem can be solved. After registration, players will have time to vote for the approval of the created teams, with the focus on BALNCE (not disliklying your teammates because they smell weird or whatever). Once the teams are accepted, the players on each indiavual team will vote for their team roles. Each registered team will have a grand total of 4 players on it with the following roles (uour team's choice of title): ![]() ![]() ![]() Please also post your team's availability and team name (if different registration rules are applied, players will be notified of their team and then the team will agree on a team name and availability). During these 2 weeks, players should play these maps to ensure the balance of the map, and to familiarize themselves with the picks and playstyles of each map. The map maker will make last minute changes to anything that is overly unbalanced. The time to register will be increased if too few teams show up or, if necessary, additional testing is needed to ensure that all maps are balanced. No changes to the maps when the first games are scheduled. ![]()
![]() The number of teams that register will determine the number of scenarios that will be played:
All scenarios shall be played at 5 minute turns, all other rules have been pre-set by the map maker and cannot be changed in the game Lobby. Note: none of these scenarios have the player General unit. Scenario 1 -- Fall of Ulthuan (Teams: 4v4) The first map that will be played regardless of the number of teams present. A recent addition to the Warhammer map saga, the Fall of Ulthuan is a part real lore, part fanfic story of Tyrion, general of the high elves of Ulthuan, rebelling against his brother Teclis due to Teclis usurping the throne of the Phoenix King in his grand plot to bring back Nagash, Lord of Death. Players here will play as Tyrion and the houses loyal to him and the will of the people, or as the betrayers of the throne which includes the troublesome dark elves who will use this chaos to bring an end to their millennial old foe! Scenario 2 -- Dawn of Chaos (Teams: 7v7) Scenario for the Final stage of the tournament. One of the largest of the Warhammer maps. Dawn of Chaos combines all parts of the old world together in a massive, 7v7 map with factions ranging from the Orcs and Dwarves of the Badlands, to the Chaos Hordes and the Domain of Kislve to the north. Rules for how this map is used in the finals will be explained below. Scenario 3 -- The Unification of Bretonnia (Teams: 5v4) Will be played only if the tournament gathers 8 teams to register. Scenario 4 -- The War of the Badlands (Teams: 4v4) Once known as War of the Badlands, this map focuses on the southern war in the wastelands of the Badlands. Team will be able to recreate the struggle between the dwarves and the greenskins while also playing as the Errantry Forces sent to purge the Greenskin invaders from the Border Princes. This was one of the first maps that ignited the flow of Warhammer maps! Now with the map remastered at last (credit to Pyrrhus for the background and WHITE for nearly 95% of the borders and cities), it is time for the fractured kingdoms of Bretonnia to unite at last! Players will play either as the Kingdoms of Bretonnia and their ally, The Empire, or will play as the Enemies of Bretonnia who seek to destroy the kingdoms of Bretonnia before they can unify! ![]() All games will be set to be held on the weekends, based on teh availability of both teams! No weekday games will be set unless both teams agree to it or have specific time availability which limit weekend gameplay. Teams will have up to 24 hours BEFORE the scheduled game time to request a reschedule. If after this reschedule a team does not show up for the game, then the team that does not show will receive an auto loss. In order for a team to be classified as showing up, at least the King/Queen/Emperor/Empress/Warlord role or the Heir to the Throne or Second in Command role must be present for the game. In addition these are the ONLY two roles that can call up mercenaries to fill up missing players and to fill spots in games that surpass 4 factions per side (this situation will only happen in the unification of Bretonnia Map for the team that plays as the Enemies of Bretonnia faction. The plan for Dawn of Chaos will be explained later). When a schedule game happens both teams will join the game lobby and will have 30 minutes to ensure all players on their team are in AND to call up mercenaries to fill the spots of missing players (and to fill an additional role in the Unification of Bretonnia for the faction Enemies of Bretonnia). If a team after 30 minutes still does not have their group set, that team forfeit the game, giving a win to the other team. Teams are able to call up last minute players or additional players. These players are considered mercenaries and have their own rules and regulations (see below). ![]() It is always possible that a player or two does not show up at the last minute for a game and this often ruins the tournament game and forces a reschedule or a W.O. To attempt to reduce this issue and allow all players a chance to play several tournament games, the Mercanary Rules will be used during this time. ![]() Any player who is not registered as a part of a team or is a registered player who's team has been eliminated is allowed to be a mercenary. In extreme circumstances, the judges can permit a registered player who's team has not been eliminated to play but this is in very rare cases and is to be used as a last resort. Rules of being a mercenary in a game:
2) You are not allowed to troll the team you are working with. If a mercenary is trolling a team and the judges confirm that the action(s) being committed are in an attempt to troll the team, the mercenary will be banned from playing all future games, stripped of any rewards gained throughout the tournament, and the victim team will have the right to a free rescehdule; 3) Only a King/Queen/Emperor/Emperiess/Warlord role and/or the Heir to the Throne or Second in command role can call for mercenaries. Sargents are NOT allowed to call for mercenaries. This means that if only the sargets show up to a game, and 30 minutes have passed, this team will forfeit the match and receive a loss for the game. ![]() Two teams that are matched up together will compete in a best of 3. Assigned teams will be rolled for and the results of the rolls will be posted on the official atwar discord. The rolled for assignments will determine which team plays what faction of the map in game 1. For game 2, the teams will switch sides and then the teams will switch sides again for game 3. This ensures each side will get a chance to play both factions in a map. ![]() Dawn of Chaos will be the map used for the finals. Since the map is a 7v7 map, and calling up 6+ mercenaries not only could heavily throw off balance but might be next to impossible to do, this map and the matches played on it will decide who claims the positions 1st-4th. Here is how it will be done: All teams that fought in the semifinals will compete again in the finals but this time, two teams will work together as one team. Who works with who? The teams that won the semi finals will work with the team that they did not face in the semi finals. Example:
![]() ![]()
Participation: 3,000 SP pot to be equally distributed among players ![]() Mercenaries only get rewards IF the team that they are working for wins the game. All mercenaries who win will receive a participation award for each game won with the top 3 mercenaries receiving even greater rewards. These are not as huge as the tournament pot but will encourage players to work hard and will allow players who's teams get knocked out early to still be able to get in on the action and win some prices. ![]()
For each win a mercenary gets (can stack with 1-3 place rewards): 300 SP participation award for each game won. ![]() Decided by voting: Option 3: Instead of people forming their own teams, players will simply announce their interest in playing, and the teams will be created by the host (a.k.a, the mapmaker) from the pool of interested players. Any player who is interested in being a part of a team should also post how experienced they are at the listed maps (not overall player skill). The players who are interested will be listed on the forum and will be updated as more players are interested. Note: The mapmaker is NOT participating in the tournament so teams will not be intentionally stacked. Players can then vote to agree with or disagree with the team set ups (with the focus being on balance) and changes can be made as needed before the teams are considered official.
14.12.2020 - 14:05
Please note that I'm not the tournament organizer, it's DireWarlord99. I'm just giving him a helping hand ![]() Plus I'm donating 300 PC to be distributed between 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
14.12.2020 - 14:31
Thanks for the help Estus! Registration will open in 1 week. Please go and vote on how you would like the teams to be formed!
14.12.2020 - 15:07
If option 3 or 1 wins how King and Heir to the throne will be decided?
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14.12.2020 - 16:05
I guess 1st teams are formed and then the players on the team decide who get's those roles.
14.12.2020 - 16:05
When I make the list of teams, the team will then vote on who takes what role
14.12.2020 - 23:02
Hey I'm down to play btw, as long as this happens during break.
---- "You're aren't " - epic backflip
15.12.2020 - 07:09
Games will start right around the end if December, assuming everything goes well. Then they will continue on weekends for about another month or so, depending on the number of players
18.12.2020 - 09:11
Now u guys donate, but when i ask for money to buy weed u all act afk!!
20.12.2020 - 19:04
Voting for team setup is over! Option 3 won the vote! https://prnt.sc/w6tb0z. The forum will be updated soon for official registration. The poll is being taken down now! Please wait for the forum update before registration.
20.12.2020 - 19:09
I will donate PC only if I get a donator badge
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
20.12.2020 - 20:53
21.12.2020 - 19:32
This is very truthful for some people
---- Not a good player
21.12.2020 - 20:47
K ill join , im pretty noob please put me with emprezz to balance me ty
Weet je het zeker?