Best accomplishment in Serbian History. They have the #1 player on an internet game for children.
Serbian accomplishments
1# modern democracy
1# modern constitution
1# grant civil and human rights
1# to create space agency(NASA)
1# created perfect calendar
1# in inventions&scientists
1# to beat USA in post-coldwar era
has serb as 1# atwar player
You must be jealous and butthurt, i pitty the fool 
I feel so sorry for you. I have family in Serbia and none of those are at all true.
lets break these down.
1. Serbia is not even registered as a Democracy by the UN, it is recognized as a Parliamentary Republic.
2. It isn't the most modern but it is one of the newest constitutions in Europe.
3. The Rights guaranteed to the Serbian People are derived from Western European and American Principles and outlined in their constitution are the same freedoms Americans got 150 years before.
4. This is the funniest one ever, NASA was instituted by Dwight D. Eisenhower (An American) and became based and Houston and Miami. Not at all related to Serbians or your political propaganda.
5. The Gregorian Calendar was constructed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Gregory himself was from Bologna and died later in Rome. No relation to Serbia as at the time your people were barbaric hordes roaming the land and doing nothing beneficial to society.
6. 42% of modern inventions used daily were created by the British, 25% were created by Americans, 5% created by Japanese, and the rest by assorted countries. The same goes for science were more and more scientists are discovering new technologies in Asia and not in the poor Eastern Europe.
7. What does that even mean "To Beat USA"? Beat us in what? Sucking? You provide no facts you just spit out information that you read on some conspiracy page. USA is bad at some things and has some policies that do hurt the country but Serbia is no where near as advanced or as civilized as America and I doubt it ever will be.
8. Yep he is #1 and he deserves it, not because he is Serbian but because he is good at playing and wins a lot.
I am not jealous and I pity the idiot who doesn't even understand basic facts.
Tito is genies
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
Yea i just meant on genies because he know everything like that ghost
I feel so sorry for you. I have family in Serbia and none of those are at all true.
lets break these down.
No you're not, you are jealous not sorry, you mixed that two because you are emotionaly unbalanced.
You are serbian? Wow.
1. Serbia is not even registered as a Democracy by the UN, it is recognized as a Parliamentary Republic.
2. It isn't the most modern but it is one of the newest constitutions in Europe.
3. The Rights guaranteed to the Serbian People are derived from Western European and American Principles and outlined in their constitution are the same freedoms Americans got 150 years before.
UN is US controled, payed and bribed, so it isnt right and fair to use UN statistics. Serbian constitution was among the first in Europe(1804) and first modern because it granted equality, civil right, freedom of speech and religion, freedom of association while other european countries had feudalism. Learn history.
4. This is the funniest one ever, NASA was instituted by Dwight D. Eisenhower (An American) and became based and Houston and Miami. Not at all related to Serbians or your political propaganda.
Pupin founded NACA which later was renamed to NASA, probably to erase Pupin as its founder and cover it with army general(not scientist) Eisenhower(german, not american). Jealousy my friend.
5. The Gregorian Calendar was constructed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Gregory himself was from Bologna and died later in Rome. No relation to Serbia as at the time your people were barbaric hordes roaming the land and doing nothing beneficial to society.
Gregorian calendar doesnt have connections to Serbia, Doctor Milankovic created new one, perfect one to replace old backwarded imperfect julian and gregorian. I mean... having 31 days in month, then 30, sometimes even 29 is just stupid and retarded, yet people are afraid to change and adapt to something better. Learn history.
6. 42% of modern inventions used daily were created by the British, 25% were created by Americans, 5% created by Japanese, and the rest by assorted countries. The same goes for science were more and more scientists are discovering new technologies in Asia and not in the poor Eastern Europe.
Nope. 90% of MODERN inventions origin from Tesla mostly, then Pupin and Maric. Tesla invented radio, alt currency, stealth technology, towers for wireless transmittion, energy transfer, almost free electricity. Everything today is because of them, light pulps, electric engines, stealth, tv/radio(waves). Their inventions and patents gave large pool of ideas and space for further development of other minor scientists who had opportunity and chance to create. Learn history.
7. What does that even mean "To Beat USA"? Beat us in what? Sucking? You provide no facts you just spit out information that you read on some conspiracy page. USA is bad at some things and has some policies that do hurt the country but Serbia is no where near as advanced or as civilized as America and I doubt it ever will be.
Actually i provided facts but Pinheiro(or chess) deleted them yesterday. US invasion of Yugoslavia(and then Serbia) failed epicly with 5,000 dead americans and 50,000 dead albanians from 1991 to 1999. Of course America is master at decieving so they made new F-16s Apaches and wrote same factory numbers like those who was shot down and destroyed in Yugoslavia so they can claim they didnt lost planes(for example wikipedia says USA lost 2 planes, but truth is they lost 50) and they faked US soldier documents and lied how they died in Irak and Afghanistan from 1991 to 1999 from talibans and mujahedeens, but actually they died in Serbia when they invaded. It was first post-cold war lost for USA, and that was against Serbia, so... FIRST! (war ended when serbia surrendered because america sent emisary with threat surrender or be nuked like japan. serbia surrendered and thus lost politicaly but not militarily. thats another proof of american freedom liberty, beauty and goodness)
8. Yep he is #1 and he deserves it, not because he is Serbian but because he is good at playing and wins a lot.
I am not jealous and I pity the idiot who doesn't even understand basic facts.
Serb is 1# on atwar, deal with it. Stop being butthurt.
And learn history, it is embarassing how ignorant you are.
"Learn History" lol Tito, you fake facts then bitch about everyone being dumber than you, I do agree I don't know everything about history but I sure as hell no more than an idiot who thinks that Serbia gave birth to everything and that we worship it. Anyone who doesn't worship it is a dumb American to stupid to understand life, am I right? You are a bit delusional and it is quite sad that here on the internet we don't have nut-houses for the mentally insane. Go back to your pathetic excuse for a clan and learn something new, its called reading and learning.
"Learn History" lol Tito, you fake facts then bitch about everyone being dumber than you, I do agree I don't know everything about history but I sure as hell no more than an idiot who thinks that Serbia gave birth to everything and that we worship it. Anyone who doesn't worship it is a dumb American to stupid to understand life, am I right? You are a bit delusional and it is quite sad that here on the internet we don't have nut-houses for the mentally insane. Go back to your pathetic excuse for a clan and learn something new, its called reading and learning.
You dont read comments do you, you just reply like headless chicken running around - without point. If you dont know or understand dont reply then, or ask nicely for explanation, do not bullishit around because that sure aint gonna help you, it will just prove how dumb you are.
Tesla and other stuff is SCHOOL MANDATORY LESSONS, everyone should know that. Physics and chemistry are classes and lesson starting from 4grade(10 y/o) and developing throughout elementary school and high school. Or your school system isnt like that?
I like how you insult my clan because you have no arguments to use against me. Pathetic kid, btw stop clan hopping 
If im delusional then you are forest forest gump my friend.
I mean really... thinking gregorian calendar is serbian... your iq is probably the number of shoes you're wearing - USA SIZE
Lol you didn't even read my post, Gregorian calendar is no where close to Serbian and I said that, you are just too stupid to understand basic words. Concerning Tesla, he was a great scientist but he didn't create 90% of modern inventions that just shows how bad you are at counting. The number of shoes im wearing ok, come back with a real insult then we can talk, until then you need to learn some real information.
Tito has right.But please stop complaining about Science.Don't argue anymore that leads to nowhere.
Lol you didn't even read my post, Gregorian calendar is no where close to Serbian and I said that, you are just too stupid to understand basic words. Concerning Tesla, he was a great scientist but he didn't create 90% of modern inventions that just shows how bad you are at counting. The number of shoes im wearing ok, come back with a real insult then we can talk, until then you need to learn some real information.
I still dont see why you talk about gregorian calendar and serbia, no one mentioned gregorian.
I didnt said 'Tesla created 90%... read again... anyway i can tell 90% was Teslas inventions because everything we use today is his patent. TV, radio, electricity, waves, inductors, inductions, transmitters, transmission, stealth, ALL his inventions. You use daily TV, remove for telly, listen to radio, use computer, all which have frequency(transmitters/collar circle) made by Tesla to flow on waves and work. By that we can conclude that 90% of our life is easier and is turning around Tesla's creations.
Come back with a real insult so we can talk? No thank you i dont insult/swear. Im not going to your level down there just because you cant get up on my level. Your problem mate.
Im done now, proved my point.
"no one mentioned Gregorian Calendar" are you this dumb really? You said Serbia created the modern calendar (which is the Gregorian Calendar) then you said that calendar was created by serbs and now you deny ever talking about it. You cant win an argument so you try to act like it didn't happen. Tesla didn't invent Electromagnetic Frequencies, its embarrassing if you cant even tell the different between invent and discover. He may have been the 1st to discover how to use it but he sure as hell didn't incorporate it into modern electronics, that was other people using his ideas to better society (most of which were Americans). "A real insult" lol like you can actually come up with an insult, we all know you are just crying because you think USA is some hell that it isn't.
"no one mentioned Gregorian Calendar" are you this dumb really? You said Serbia created the modern calendar (which is the Gregorian Calendar) then you said that calendar was created by serbs and now you deny ever talking about it. You cant win an argument so you try to act like it didn't happen. Tesla didn't invent Electromagnetic Frequencies, its embarrassing if you cant even tell the different between invent and discover. He may have been the 1st to discover how to use it but he sure as hell didn't incorporate it into modern electronics, that was other people using his ideas to better society (most of which were Americans). "A real insult" lol like you can actually come up with an insult, we all know you are just crying because you think USA is some hell that it isn't.
You are retarded. Gregorian calendar is modern in comparison to julian calendar and it is NOT calendar made by Doctor Milankovic you idiot. Milankovic made PERFECT calendar which doesnt have connections to gregorian or julian you moron. You are just too retarded to comprehend that, sorry.
I already explained above that OTHER SCIENTISTS developed more Tesla's patents, but you just dont read.
Maybe i cant come up with an insult, and thats a good thing! There is no good use of that. But damn YOU are just stupid, ive seen retards in my life but you're crossing the borders into infinite stupidity. Eat more hamburgers and watch TV, develop yourself and contribute to humanity!
Pff, no one beat my arguments about USA on this forum, you are the one who started to insult and cry in one of USA debate , so wipe your nose and go study kid, or else you will stay stupid for the rest of your empty, lone, miserable, materialist life.
Damn I got beat. You are truly God, Tito. No one can compare to your perfect understanding of everything. I only wish I could know as much as you. You know so much about how USA kills their own people and you are the smartest because you know dirt-poor Serbians are richer than billionaire-Americans
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At least Serbia is 1 
Best accomplishment in Serbian History. They have the #1 player on an internet game for children.
Never laughed so hard since the USA recognized Kosovo as an independent country. Thanks m8.
Mauzer being #1 in atWar strategy points biggest Serbian achievement since SRB had most coalition points. #serbiastrong #jk