Hi all. We often hear complaints that new Mods are picked within an inner circle and regular players have no say in the process. Well, this time we decided to give you a chance to post your Mod suggestions (with good reasons for their promotion!) and upvote the ones you approve of. This doesn't mean we're going to promote the most upvoted ones, but we will certainly take them into consideration.

- Please note that this topic is for suggestions only, and all other posts will be deleted.
- Provide at least minimum reasoning for your suggestions. Posts with just a name will be deleted.
- One suggestion per post, please, to make upvotes more accurate.



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Reacties: 145   Bezocht door: 1542 users
04.02.2017 - 04:57
I've had the privilege to experience what being a Moderator is like... whether I was allowed to or not xD So basically I think you should really take into consideration who I am putting forward as I can speak from experience.

lotar luis97: Speaks fluent English and Spanish, From my knowledge he's had no run in with the moderators before and has a clean record. He's one of the best content creators this game has ever seen and has no problem in teaching others, He's an all round guy in terms of play style so he wont be biased to any players from certain fields of gameplay much like majority of the current moderators are now, He helps out newcomers and is the leader of the largest coalition on this game which is a place where players join to make friends and train. He is mature and very intelligent and still has a few years left on this game before he becomes inactive to full adulthood like a lot of the other moderators.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
04.02.2017 - 05:00

nice guy, old enough to be mod (42), helpful, everyone in aw likes him, voted for trump etc
04.02.2017 - 05:04
How about hdrakon ?
No, I have better idea, let's remove all mods and make members of mystics mods ?
It's not like that happened before with other clans, or with supporters. Oh, wait...
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
04.02.2017 - 05:05
I don't know if anyone is truely worthy at this point. With the broken state of atwar some of its best contributors are gone now.

If you would of asked me a year ago I would of recommended croat or someone from the map creation community, Unfortunatly they are no longer active and neither is croat anymore either. In my opinion you'd be in good shape if you could get loachra back on the team, he was one of the best Moderators and was very unbiased even when we did not get along very well I never felt I was treated biasedly which is an admiral trait. But other then that ivan the quality of players is deminishing as the games identity changes, and as the game shrinks from lack of progression it will only get worse.

The rampant and uncontrolled spread of easy games with instant gratification has decimated the player base that was known for its intelligence and critical thinking skills, leaving the community with an abundance of children and trolls while it's older players retire one by one from loss of interest. One way to remedy this would be an in depth tutorial that pushes the importance of compition. Rather then throwing new players to the wolves where they get destroyed by power house players, and either leave or resort to playing rp or political.

Another issue would be your dying competitive player base in general which I don't believe can be saved in its current form. But it can be changed and molded into something more sustaining and enjoyable, such as creating a lobby where everyone is incognito for the dueling season, ridding the entire system of its loopholes. Aswell the key to fixing coalition wars is simple and it is numbers, that community needs large interested groups but because of the instant gratification easier maps created it has all but decimated that group.

At this point you might be asking yourself what this has to do with Moderators and it is simple. The type of person who makes a good moderator is someone who is level headed, dedicated, unbiased, who is capable of passing judgement. These skills are found much more commonly among the groups that the current game has decimated, and the only way your going to get mods with the standards that need to be met is to revitalize the dying groups that produced your old Moderators.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
04.02.2017 - 05:07
I nominate Mystical for mod. He translated AtWar to Serbian language, he was ATN member, and DJ on AtWar radio.
04.02.2017 - 05:15
JFreders: One of the nicest guys you will meet on this game. Very good player, addicted to this game because he loves it (who doesn't love atWar?). I respect him for making a clan and using low ranks to CW, which is currently #3 this season. He will be an active moderator and a popular one within our community.
04.02.2017 - 05:15
hdrakon: Very skilled player who cares deeply about this game. Did everything he could to help this game between 2012 and 2015 and now 2017. He's well known in the community and has been nominated to be a moderator numerous times in the past. He did have some problems with the rules and bans, but whenever he came back to the game he always showed determination to help improve it. He made a lot of training clans and trained many of our high ranks today (including me). He has translated 95% of atWar to Hebrew by himself - before they implemented the translation page to atWar. He's doing a good job right now in helping me promote atWar in the supporter group. Some people may disagree with hdrakon, but you cannot deny he has been a massive help to the growth of atWar.
04.02.2017 - 05:15
Nifty: Good person, very active, and popular within the community. Although he doesn't comment on the forums much, he does check them regularly. He's the last active map maker and I believe a new moderator from the scenario scene would bring this community even closer as the scenario/RP players will finally have an active representative in the moderator team.
04.02.2017 - 05:17
Clovis for all the obvious reasons.
04.02.2017 - 05:19
Clovis1122. He has been around for a very long time and knows the game and its mechanics very well. Hes always been involved in helping and supporting the development of the game one way or another , whether it was by testing (the then new switch to) HTML5 or reporting all the possible bugs there is of the game. He is one of the best competetive players here and has won many times seasonal elo trophies , he always tries to spread his knowledge with extensive and big forum posts explaining the principles of the game or trying to train players that need advice or any kind of help. Has been chosen player of the year from the staff and the community aswell. Speaks English and Spanish fluently. Has participated in many initiatives with others to try and help newbies and players that couldn't otherwise get around the game without their help. One of the biggest reasons also is that he has been highly active since the day he registered and even if he goes inactive for some time its maximum of around only 1 week or so.. I could go on pointing out many other reasons why he should be but you would need to waste half your time reading the post,that's why i will stop here and hope you consider him.
04.02.2017 - 05:19
Comedian RaulPB: A rare character to find on this game. He's always cool, never loses his temper, and is a just a nice person overall. Good reputation in the community and a long lasting supporter. Also did most of the Spanish translations.
04.02.2017 - 05:20
I nominate hdrakon: There are a lot of reasons for his nomination, i will just tell that he is probably the biggest helper of this game ever, and also the biggest critic. Critic is sometimes good too, maybe not always in case of hdrakon, but hdrakon loves this game and is ready to put effort and help AtWar survive these hard times and become one of the best browser based games in 2017!

04.02.2017 - 05:23
I nominate Crow: Probably the biggest helper in this new year start. He revived supporters role, and found new supporters that will, together with him, support this game.

04.02.2017 - 05:25
Geschreven door Guest, 04.02.2017 at 04:57

I've had the privilege to experience what being a Moderator is like... whether I was allowed to or not xD So basically I think you should really take into consideration who I am putting forward as I can speak from experience.

Great guy, almap maker
Lotar LUIS97 Speaks fluent English and Spanish, From my knowledge he's had no run in with the moderators before and has a clean record. He's one of the best content creators this game has ever seen and has no problem in teaching others, He's an all round guy in terms of play style so he wont be biased to any players from certain fields of gameplay much like majority of the current moderators are now, He helps out newcomers and is the leader of the largest coalition on this game which is a place where players join to make friends and train. He is mature and very intelligent and still has a few years left on this game before he becomes inactive to full adulthood like a lot of the other moderators.

Nifty: Good person, very active, and popular within the community. Although he doesn't comment on the forums much, he does check them regularly. He's the last active map maker and I believe a new moderator from the scenario scene would bring this community even closer as the scenario/RP players will finally have an active representative in the moderator team.

if u say so about this 2:

Clovis1122. He has been around for a very long time and knows the game and its mechanics very well. Hes always been involved in helping and supporting the development of the game one way or another , whether it was by testing (the then new switch to) HTML5 or reporting all the possible bugs there is of the game. He is one of the best competetive players here and has won many times seasonal elo trophies , he always tries to spread his knowledge with extensive and big forum posts explaining the principles of the game or trying to train players that need advice or any kind of help. Has been chosen player of the year from the staff and the community aswell. Speaks English and Spanish fluently. Has participated in many initiatives with others to try and help newbies and players that couldn't otherwise get around the game without their help. One of the biggest reasons also is that he has been highly active since the day he registered and even if he goes inactive for some time its maximum of around only 1 week or so.. I could go on pointing out many other reasons why he should be but you would need to waste half your time reading the post,that's why i will stop here and hope you consider him.
Comedian RaulPB: A rare character to find on this game. He's always cool, never loses his temper, and is a just a nice person overall. Good reputation in the community and a long lasting supporter.
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
04.02.2017 - 05:38
Has to be Nifty. He is nearly always online. Is always there to help and I think having an active mod like him (a map creator) would help the game a lot.
04.02.2017 - 05:53
I had'nt been here for a while then i'm sorry if i forgot someone

clovis: he matured up, knows this game better than anyone and puted enormous effort to push others forward, should had been mod a years ago.

Xenosapien: he has all it takes

learster: perfect temperament, enviable mind, it's obvious to everyone that he will do a excellent job with responsablity and professionalism

comedianraul: idk if he finished university, but if he is available it would be great for the community

cold case & nations vs nwo: very active, great personality, very involved both in competitive zone and in scenarios zone, extremly relevant for those difficult times of atwar

nifty: i never met him and don't know who he is, but lot of people recommend of him

Tunder: way more delicate than he used to be, might be what you need

and if i forgot to mention somebody, sorry but don't take it to your heart it's not your fault that i'm a moron

04.02.2017 - 06:00
JF: He knows the game and the community. Respectfull player and cares about AtWar and it's community and is respected by the players.
04.02.2017 - 06:26
Dizabo mature polite and active player
04.02.2017 - 06:45
LlThe_Witnessll: Is an active player, is interested in helping the community, likes to help players in what he can, is nice and is a mature player, probably the most pleasant type of community. Always give hearts.
04.02.2017 - 06:59

Pretty cool, friendly, helpful and relaxed guy. Had helped the game in several ways as part of the supporters team, while being an amazing player overall. Definitively the go-to if you ever need any scenario advice.

Also very popular guy in the scenario world!
04.02.2017 - 07:00
Google Chrome: Helps a lot to the community and is interested in others, is philanthropist, good player and nice
Discipline is the key to success

04.02.2017 - 07:03
GK wud be a great mod..bt i really dont think he is interested for it...soo ofc nobody !
04.02.2017 - 07:15
04.02.2017 - 07:34
Geschreven door clovis1122, 04.02.2017 at 06:59


Pretty cool, friendly, helpful and relaxed guy. Had helped the game in several ways as part of the supporters team, while being an amazing player overall. Definitively the go-to if you ever need any scenario advice.

Also very popular guy in the scenario world!

Does he even play anymore?
04.02.2017 - 07:39
Eagle,coz he's been here for a very long time,one of most skilled players I've played with,also a very nice and lovely person.Love you m8.
04.02.2017 - 07:44

I guess I nominate Hellraiser (Hellykin) and Reign. (Charlemagne).

I honestly don't think a lot of people are worthy or trustworthy enough to uphold the job without extreme amounts of ties and bias, but as a player that has been around since 2013, which in my opinion is a long enough time to meet quite a few different people, I think these two need to be recognized as solid contributors to the game and mature enough to take the job seriously, and not as a glorified bragging-right.
[pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
04.02.2017 - 07:56
A lot of kebabs play. You now say: "Ok so what ?"
Well, a lot of kebabs play, but a lot of them are retarded, not metyu.
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
04.02.2017 - 08:04
Person: xXSh4d0wXx

1. Been playing since 2013.
2. Active for 2-4 hours a day.
3. Always engaging players positively.
4. Always Providing necessary help to those in need.
5. Regularly providing assistance in help chat dialogue.
6. Dislike misconduct that takes place in the community.
7. I play honorably and never betray alliances or those that help me.
8. I don't take advantage of weaker players, and go for higher ranks first.
9. I like to give everyone a second chance even if they don't deserve it.
10. I am honest but I have biases, however those biases don't affect my judgements.

~I have experiences in moderating:
-Been a Forum Mod, Tekkit/FTB/Vanilla minecraft moderator for a large Community (Alias Andrew2070) (Crafter's Land).
-Have had my own minecraft gaming server that ran sucessfully as a partnership server with Crafter's Land.
- Been entrusted with my forum moderating rank and in game ranks for over 3 and a half years with that community.
- However I have resigned my position due to the heavy PC requirements for modded minecraft and my education.

I was born in Los Angeles, California, United States but currently live in Karachi, Pakistan.
I have seen the high class lifestyle of the United States, and that of Pakistan as well.
I may be American but I have seen similarities in the hardships both peoples face.
Throughout my life I have believed un-factual assertions of third world countries, but Pakistan is truly beautiful.
Thus i have stopped judging books by the cover or through the lies of the media and others, and demand evidence before judgement.

I hope i can be taken into consideration for my longstanding time with the Atwar community, my regular activity and support through previous subscription.
My record here is relatively clean with a single incident during a debate with fellow players in the room chat that went slightly violent and profane.
I do use profanity but not to the level that it is a problem for other players.

~Many thanks and good luck to everyone else nominated/participating in this.

However if i don't qualify for the job i would recommend: Nifty, because he is relatively unbiased, helpful, contributing and semi-active.

04.02.2017 - 08:10
Google chrome: Very good relations with all sorts of people, justice before friendship faggotry, friendly even towards noobs, doenst promote Eu+10K faggotry. Comon if i need need to convience you about htis guy you've not been around.
04.02.2017 - 08:12
Cold case Very friendly, general respected, skilled in all kind of maps, he's brains are contructed to solve problems, harsh on hacking 'big atwar problem'. Almost like Google Chrome but less google and more chrome.
04.02.2017 - 08:15
Croat because he and others from the old guard gave there all and just got refused by some mods who never play the game or dont like people with a strong character (not sucking cock). Oh yeah and he's global abuses? Heck not a valid argument, some mods did sp farm in there early days, trolled the shit out of low ranks etc so dont be a darn hypocrite and look at what he contributed.
04.02.2017 - 08:17
Account verwijderd

Nicest guy on atwar and king
04.02.2017 - 08:19
1. Nero

- Nero is a guy loved by everyone. I can say that he became the cult personality of this game. Always friendly, funny, honest and sedate.

- Very active in game and in forums. I've never seen that he had any bigger gap from this game. He's always around.

In-game Skills
- Loyal and competitive. One of the most active ones in CW scene.

He's my pick no.1

04.02.2017 - 08:20
Hdrakon - Clovis This is hard, you can't denie these people both did good things for the game, as for hdrakon you can't keep juging him for actions he did 4 years ago. Clovis, yeah he's retarded 5% of the time, still a big no liver who can't quit atwar even though he promissed himselve so no inactive mod. Both would be good.
04.02.2017 - 08:21
Waffel - very caring for the community and can help players with their problems

04.02.2017 - 08:21
Waffel Because saying what is right hurts. This guy wont bend for anyone, will defend the persecuted and will be a fun mod in he's own way. Bonus, gives you a free concert of he's favorite songs!.
04.02.2017 - 08:24
raul pb Friendly. If Devil, Brianwl, Cthulhu and Sun Tsu would have sex Raul would be the result, says it all.
04.02.2017 - 08:26
2. clovis1122

- Clovis is, in global, a positive guy. He had some disputes with other players, but it was EXCLUSIVELY connected with game and all connected with it (strategies, upgrades, maps,...). Only minus I can say about him is that he can be biased about some things (we talk about game), but those are negligible if we compare it with all of the things he did for this game. Very friendly and motivational, especially to the lower ranks.

- In the top 3 active players of the game. I think it's all clear here.

In-game Skills
- In the top 3 competitve players on AW scene. He made his clan and is a very loyal leader which means he passed through bad and great times of his coalition together with it's members. Made AW battle calculator, which is probably the most advanced project made by player.

He's my pick no.2

04.02.2017 - 08:30
3. Cold Case

- Very cool and sensibile lad. I had a chance to talk with him about serious things and his every word was respectful to me which means he has regard in conversation with others.

- Currently one of the most active ones, in these 'hard' times for AW, he's the one who is always around and who's trying to do something.

In-game Skills
- Very skilled in several different style maps. Understands a game logic and all connected with it.

He's my pick no.3

04.02.2017 - 08:31
Is this even the real Ivan? You want me to believe that after so many months of innactivity,game collapsing,ivan comes back all of a sudden,doesnt say nothing about map editor or server problems or game dying,totally ignores that,decides to add new supporters all of a sudden(half of mystics clan and ppl who never did nothing for the community) and demote old ones(like cold case and croat),and then after in just 2 days adds them he decides to add new moderators without letting no one know.Ahaaaaa.And all that started when HDrakon came back.All you dudes that you see a mods add post and u so blind to even sit and think why this is happening,and just propose,and even proposing shit ppl who dont worth being mod at all,like game had not more serious problems,seems like we solved them and now all we need in new mods and supporters....Wtf
04.02.2017 - 08:33
4. Google Chrome

- I would say this little guy is a king of a good will to everyone. Always positive and communicative.

- Very active with some smaller gaps.

In-game Skills
- Maybe the opposition to the first three picks because he's the one who can play 'normal' Europe games, but generaly he plays more the other maps, so he understands what's happening there. Very contributive.

He's my pick no.4

04.02.2017 - 08:38
5. JF

- I would say this guy has pretty same personality as me. In global very friendly, he is willing to give everything to the rest, but the only minus (or can be plus in some situations), he may seem hard-resolute when he decides something. Also, very passionate which is, in my opinion, the biggest plus beacuse nothing can stop him to achieve what he decided.

- Highly active player. Had a big gap and came back more active than ever.

In-game Skills
- Much skills at standard Europe map, very competitive and full of competitive spirit.

He's my pick no.5

04.02.2017 - 09:00

Its hard to make him mad.

04.02.2017 - 09:03
6. Eagle

- Even tho he's a Serbian and I'm a Croatian, we achieved a great relationship. We even connected through other sites and we became a good buddies. He's always calm, equitable, friendly and respectful guy. From the first to the last talk with him he stayed same, no masks, no hypocrisy.

- Currently less active, as most of competitive players who ruled this scene, but the one with huge number of CWs, duels and games. Even Mortal Kombat is currently down, every single player of atWar knows about MK's raping duo - Mauzer & Eagle.

In-game Skills
- Do I need to talk about Eagle's skills?

He's my last pick, pick no.6

04.02.2017 - 09:12
Aetius, he gave a lot to this game, creating numerous ammounts of maps for people to play, he spent hours of his time to promote atwar on some other sites, probably bringing in more players than any other player ever has (except vlad).
On the previous "nominate for mod" threads ive seen that only reason people have not to make him mod was his political background, which i can guarantee you wont affect his judgment in a position of mod.
04.02.2017 - 09:18
Ctrl - F > *Doesn't see 'Darkmace'* > > Comments > Exits Thread

On a serious note,
Never talked to the guy, but he gives off the same vibe as brianwl. I know that's a strange reason to nominate a player, but I see brianwl as the golden example of a moderator. He doesn't seem like a robot, he defiantly has emotions and personal opinion. Too many players are nominating players for being emotionless which is wrong, a moderator should be able to make decisions from personal experience (or what some people like to call bias), not just from a list of check points. If that's what they want, literally anyone on atWar could do that.

I know it seems like I know Eagle, the truth is I don't but I personally think I'm a good judge of character (one of the few things I'm good at), and Eagle is the ONLY person I can think of being a GOOD moderator from the ones nominated.

NOTE: Laochra would also be a great moderator, but he resigned so I'm not sure if he would want to return.
Be Humble
04.02.2017 - 09:19
How about Waffel?
He is funny good player , popular and helps others..
04.02.2017 - 09:21
 Ivan (Administrator)
Geschreven door Nations, 04.02.2017 at 08:31

Is this even the real Ivan? You want me to believe that after so many months of innactivity,game collapsing,ivan comes back all of a sudden,doesnt say nothing about map editor or server problems or game dying,totally ignores that,decides to add new supporters all of a sudden(half of mystics clan and ppl who never did nothing for the community) and demote old ones(like cold case and croat),and then after in just 2 days adds them he decides to add new moderators without letting no one know.Ahaaaaa.And all that started when HDrakon came back.All you dudes that you see a mods add post and u so blind to even sit and think why this is happening,and just propose,and even proposing shit ppl who dont worth being mod at all,like game had not more serious problems,seems like we solved them and now all we need in new mods and moderators....Wtf

Yes, it's the real me. I cannot do anything about the editor or the server (as both are in Amok's domain), but I'm trying to do what I can in the limited time I have.
04.02.2017 - 09:34
There's not much left to pick from the basket, rotten apples mostly. All the good ones left like Aristo, Yoba, Xevah, Kraut. But Clovis would suit well the mod role, he's not old player but he's good.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
04.02.2017 - 09:35
Geschreven door Guest, 04.02.2017 at 04:57

I've had the privilege to experience what being a Moderator is like... whether I was allowed to or not xD So basically I think you should really take into consideration who I am putting forward as I can speak from experience.

lotar luis97: Speaks fluent English and Spanish, From my knowledge he's had no run in with the moderators before and has a clean record. He's one of the best content creators this game has ever seen and has no problem in teaching others, He's an all round guy in terms of play style so he wont be biased to any players from certain fields of gameplay much like majority of the current moderators are now, He helps out newcomers and is the leader of the largest coalition on this game which is a place where players join to make friends and train. He is mature and very intelligent and still has a few years left on this game before he becomes inactive to full adulthood like a lot of the other moderators.

Yes I ensure he is a suitable person to be the moderator of AtWar:D
May the FORCE be with you always.

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